Chapter 94

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Tim: *stretches as he wakes up* Good morning, Lucy. Ready for our big day?

Lucy: *rubs her eyes and smiling* Good morning, Tim. I've been looking forward to this day for so long.

Tim: *sits up in bed* Me too. It feels surreal to finally be leaving this hospital room behind. Tonight we will finally sleep in our bed

Lucy: *nods* yeah finally. But I'm grateful for everything we've been through here. It's made us stronger.

Tim: *taking Lucy's hand* Definitely. And we've got each other to lean on every step of the way.

*They share a warm embrace before getting out of bed and getting ready for the day. After freshening up, they sit down for a heartfelt conversation over breakfast*

Tim: *pours coffee* You know, Lucy, I was thinking...

Lucy: *sips her coffee* What's on your mind, Tim?

Tim: *smiles* I was thinking it would be nice to stop by the Mid-Wilshire station before we head home. I'd like to surprise our friends and thank them for all their support.

Lucy: *brightens up* That's a wonderful idea, Tim. They've been with us every step of the way, and it would mean a lot to see them before going home.

Tim: *nods* Exactly. It'll be a chance to share our gratitude and celebrate this milestone together.

*As they chat, the door opens, and their doctor enters the room, carrying a stack of papers*

Doctor: Good morning, Tim and Lucy. I have some good news for you both.

*Tim and Lucy exchange excited glances as the doctor hands them their hospital discharge papers*

Doctor: You've both made remarkable progress during your time here. It's time for you to start the next chapter of your recovery journey at home.

Tim: *beaming* Thank you, Doctor. We're ready for this next step.

Lucy: *gratefully* Yes, thank you for everything you've done for us.

*After the doctor leaves, Tim and Lucy eagerly wait for their friends Angela and Wesley to arrive. As they sit together, they reflect on the journey that brought them to this moment, filled with gratitude for the love and support that has carried them through.*

*Finally, the door opens, and Angela and Wesley enter, their faces beaming with joy.*

Angela: *happily* Are you two ready to go?

Tim: hi guys, more than ever

Angela: *smiles warmly* So, Tim, Lucy, do you want to head straight home, or is there something else you'd like to do first?

Tim: *excitedly* Actually, we were thinking of making a quick stop before heading home.

Lucy: *nods in agreement* We want to surprise our friends at Mid-Wilshire and thank them for their support.

Wesley: *nods enthusiastically* That sounds like a wonderful idea! It'll be great to see everyone and celebrate your progress.

Angela: *grins* Absolutely! It'll be a nice way to start this new chapter in your lives.

Wesley : let's go then, let me take your bags

*They go to Angela and Wesley's car*

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