Chapter 56

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*It's been a month since the doctor asked Lucy if she wanted to unplug the machine that keeps Tim alive. Since then, Lucy has been in a phase of depression, she hardly eats or drinks. The doctors had to put her back on an IV. She no longer moves from her bed, except for her rehabilitation sessions which she finished a few days earlier. Angela is worried about Lucy's condition, she hardly speaks*

*But today, something happens*

*Lucy is lying on Tim's chest, holding his right hand. She feels a movement. She stands up and looks at Tim. His eyes open slightly*

*She repeatedly presses the button to call for help*

Lucy : *shouts* I NEED A DOCTOR ROOM 331 *to Tim, with watery eyes* Tim it's okay, do no try to move *she strokes his cheek*

*A doctor enters the room*

Doctor : what's happening ?
Lucy : *with tears of joy* he's awake
Doctor : that's not possible
Lucy : see for yourself

*He approaches Tim and sees that his eyes are open*

Doctor : Mr Bradford, can you hear me
Tim : *slowly nods*
Doctor: can you squeeze my hand?
Tim : *he can't squeeze but moves his hand*
Doctor: great, now, I'll try to unplug the machine to see if you can breathe on your own, I won't take the tube out of your throat for now, just in case you can't breathe and I have to replug you, is that okay ?
Tim : *nods*

*The doctor unplugs Tim*

Lucy : is he breathing ?
Doctor : yes he is
Lucy : *excited* really ?
Doctor : yes, I can take the tube out of Mr. Bradford's throat. That could be painful. It will make you cough, that's normal, you need to cough even when I took the tube out. Do you understand ?
Tim : *nods*
Lucy : I will hold your hand the whole time Tim

*The doctor takes the tube out of Tim's throat. He coughs a lot. That's really painful, a tear runs down his cheek*

Doctor : it's okay, the tube's out

*Tim continues to cough, the doctor puts oxygen in his nose to help him a little to breathe at first*

Doctor: are you okay ?
Tim : *has trouble speaking, whispers* my throat hurts
Doctor : don't try to speak too much for now, your throat is inflamed, it should pass in a few days, we will give you pain medications.
Lucy : what will happen now ?
Doctor : At first, Tim will feel very tired, he will need a lot of rest. In some times, he will need to undergo rehabilitation to relearn all the everyday gestures, even walking. Then, once he has made good progress in his rehabilitation process, he will be able to go home and come back to the hospital only for his sessions with the physiotherapist.
Lucy : And then he can return to work?
Doctor : not yet, at the end of rehabilitation, he will have to remain convalescing for a while longer. The process is going to be long, he won't be able to return to work anytime soon, he will have to wait around a year before he can get his job back
Lucy : that's long
Doctor : yes it is, he will need a lot of emotional support
Lucy : *looks at Tim* I'll be there *smiles*
Doctor : I'm sorry I gotta go, I have other patients to see
Lucy : I have a quick question if that doesn't bother you
Doctor : it's okay I'm listening
Lucy : will he have the same physiotherapist as me?
Doctor : At the moment he doesn't have one yet.
Lucy : Do you think it's possible that he has the same one? I found him very effective
Doctor : It can be done, what is his name?
Lucy : Conrad
Doctor : I'll write it in Tim's files
Lucy : thank you

*The doctor leaves*

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