Chapter 51

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*Three weeks later*

*Tim has been on life support for a month. Lucy is better, the doctor comes to see her, Angela and Wesley are at work*

Doctor : good morning Mrs Chen, how do you feel ?
Lucy : fine
Doctor : your blood pressure is good, the same for your oxygen saturation, your temperature and your heart rate. I'm going to check your wound now

*He takes off the bandage*

Doctor: great, no more infection, a nurse will take you to radiology to take an x-ray of your foot. If the bone has solidified, you can begin rehabilitation sessions
Lucy : okay thank you Doctor

*The doctor leaves the room*

Lucy : *turns to Tim and places her hand on his chest* did you hear that Tim, I'm feeling better, no more infection. I can't wait for the doctor to tell you the same thing

*A nurse enters the room with a wheelchair*

Nurse : hello Mrs Chen, so you have to go to radiology
Lucy : yes
Nurse : I'm going to help you sit in the wheelchair and we're going to do this x-ray

*Lucy sits on the wheelchair and they go to radiology*

Nurse : I leave you with my colleague who will make you the x-ray
Lucy : thank you
Radiologist: so, Lucy Chen, you're here to do an X-ray for your foot, right?
Lucy : that's right
Radiologist : okay let's do it

*Lucy passes her x-ray*

Radiologist: great, the doctor will come back with the results
Lucy : okay thank you

*Lucy is taken back to her room*

Lucy : *to Tim* babe, I did my foot x-ray, I don't know the results yet, they told me the doctor will come back with them

*Angela knocks at the door*

Angela : am I bothering you ?
Lucy : hi Angela, no, not all, I was telling Tim that I feel better
Angela : that's great Lucy
Lucy : yes, no more infection and I did an x-ray for my foot
Angela : what are the results ?
Lucy : I don't know yet, the doctor should come back. He said that if my bones are fine, I'll have to start the rehabilitation sessions
Angela : that's a good point

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