Chapter 87

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Wesley : let's go out a little, the deliberations can be long

*Everyone leaves the courtroom and waits in the hallway*

Tim : Wesley, your speech was incredible
Lucy : you almost made me cry
John : It’s true that it was very well written.
Angela : see, I told you
Wesley : thank you, I was very stressed
James : it wasn't even seen
Aaron : he's not very good at defending his clients the other lawyer, it looked like he was pushing Rosalind down to save Stephen
Wesley : In my opinion it was done on purpose, he knew very well that he couldn't save Rosalind so he tried to save at least one. He seems to be a good lawyer, we had a debate that bad lawyers wouldn't have managed to hold
Luna: What do you think the judge's response will be?
Wesley : I don't know, but I think we have a chance of winning this case

*Tim and Lucy are sit a little bit further than the rest of the group*

*Lucy is having trouble breathing*

Tim : hey Lucy, what's happening, are you okay ?
Lucy : *nods no* I... I can't... breathe
Tim : *shouts* Angela

*Angela and all the others run towards him*

Angela : what's happening?
Tim : I... I don't know... Lucy has trouble breathing
Bailey : Lucy, let me help you
Lucy : *nods*
John : Can you step back and let Bailey do his job?

*Everyone moves aside, only Bailey, Angela, Wesley and Tim stay with Lucy*

Bailey : look at me, do you hurt somewhere?
Lucy : *nods no*
Tim : *his eyes fill with tears* It's not possible, it's starting again
Bailey : *to Tim* no, it's just a panic attack, don't worry *to Lucy* Lucy listen to me, inhale....hold your breath...and exhale
Lucy : *follows Bailey's instructions*
Bailey : perfect, do it again, inhale... hold your breath... exhale

*Lucy does this several time, until she regains normal breathing*

Bailey : very good Lucy, *to Tim* you see, it was just a panic attack
Tim : yes thank you *hugs Lucy* you scared me *a tear rolls over his face*

*Angela, Wesley and Bailey steps aside to leave Tim and Lucy alone*

John : *to Bailey* is she okay ?
Bailey : yes, just a panic attack, she's fine

Lucy : *still hugging Tim, starts to cry* I'm sorry
Tim : hey don't worry, it's okay, you're fine now *kisses her head*
Lucy : I didn't want to scare you
Tim : shh it's okay *rubs her back*
Lucy : I want this to be over
Tim : yes, it'll be in a few minutes

*Wesley comes to Tim and Lucy*

Wesley : Lucy, Tim, we have to go back in the courtroom, the judge will come back

*They return to their place*

*Judge Specter and DA Del Monte come back, like every time, everyone gets up*

Specter : sit down. After careful deliberation and consideration of the evidence presented, here is my judgment:

It is evident from the testimony and exhibits before us that Lucy and Tim have endured profound suffering as a result of the actions perpetrated against them. The defendants, Stephen Romanoff and Rosalind Dyer, have been found guilty of attempted murder and conspiracy to commit murder, among other charges.

Rosalind Dyer, as the mastermind behind these heinous crimes, is hereby sentenced to death. Her actions have demonstrated a callous disregard for human life, and the severity of her crimes warrants the most severe penalty under the law.

Stephen Romanoff, even though manipulated by Rosalind, is not absolved of responsibility for his actions. He is hereby sentenced to life imprisonment, with the possibility of parole after a minimum of 30 years. It is my hope that during his incarceration, he will reflect upon the consequences of his choices and seek redemption.

In addition to the criminal penalties imposed upon the defendants, I also find in favor of the plaintiffs, Lucy and Tim. They are entitled to damages for the physical, emotional, and financial harm they have suffered. After careful consideration of their losses, I award them a total of $15 million in damages to aid in their recovery and rehabilitation and the reimbursement of their medical expenses.

May this verdict bring some measure of closure to Lucy and Tim, and may justice prevail in the face of such senseless violence. Court is adjourned."

*The courtroom settles into a solemn silence as the judge's words reverberate through the chamber, marking the end of a long and arduous trial. Judge Specter and DA Del Monte leave the courtroom. Security took away Rosalind, Stephen and Matt*

Lucy : *to Tim, tears of joy flow down his cheeks* it's over Tim, it's over
Tim : *hugs her tightly* yeah it's finally over
Lucy : *stands up and hugs Wesley* thank you very much Wesley
Wesley: you won guys
Tim : thanks to you thank you

*They are going to find their friends who are super happy, everyone hugs*

Grey : congratulations Chen and Bradford you deserve this. And congratulations Evers, you did a very good job
Tim : we're going to celebrate by going for a drink, we're paying for our round
Angela : Don't you want us to go home instead?
Tim : An hour at the bar won't kill us, and we must celebrate our victory
Angela : okay, if you feel like going

*They go the bar they are used to go*

Tim : take what you want, with Lucy we pay for our round
Lucy : *whispers to Tim* Tim, we can't dring alcohol with our meds
Tim : *whispers to Lucy* we can drink a non-alcoholic cocktail
Lucy : *nods*

*After 2 hours*

Lucy : *to Tim* I'm going outside, it's starting to get a little too noisy
Tim: I'm coming with you

*Lucy goes on a bench outside of the bar and Tim stands next with his wheelchair, no one saw them leave*

Lucy : It's calmer here
Tim : yes


Angela : Wesley, where are Tim and Lucy ?
Wesley : I don't know
Angela : has anyone seen Tim and Lucy?
James : Maybe in the bathroom
Wesley : nope, I just went there
Nyla : Outside ?
Angela : *goes outside*

Angela : you are here, we were looking for you everywhere
Lucy : oh sorry, it was a little too loud inside
Wesley : we should go back, it's starting to get late

*Angela returns inside*

Angela : we found them, they were outside, we're gonna to go, Tim and Lucy are tired

*Everyone goes outside to say goodbye and Wesley drives Angela, Tim and Lucy to his and Angela's place*

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