Chapter 97

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Tim: *clearing his throat* Hey everyone, sorry to interrupt, but Lucy and I need to have a chat with Sergeant Grey.

Nyla: Of course, Tim. Take your time.

*Apologizing to their friends, Tim and Lucy made their way to Sergeant Grey's office, the hallway echoing with the sound of their footsteps. Once inside, they settled into their seats, exchanging nervous glances as they awaited the sergeant's arrival*

Grey: Tim, Lucy, I thought you were with the others, what can I do for you two?"

*Tim took a deep breath, steeling himself for the conversation ahead*

Tim: Well, Sergeant, although I've been released from the hospital, I'm not yet able to return to work and when I'll finally be able to come back, my doctor has advised a gradual transition back to duty, with flexible hours and a period of paper work here at the station before resuming patrol. He wrote everything on a paper for you *gives the paper to Grey*

*Sergeant Grey listened attentively, his brow furrowing slightly as he processed Tim's words*

Grey: I see. We'll make sure everything is smooth for your return, Tim. Don't worry. Your health and well-being are our top priority.

*Turning to Lucy, Sergeant Grey inquired about her plans to return to work.*

Grey: "And Chen, what about you?"

*Lucy shifted uncomfortably in her seat, her gaze fixed on her hands as she struggled to find the right words.*

Lucy: Well, Sergeant, the doctor didn't put any constraints on me. Physically, I could start again now. But... I... I don't feel psychologically ready at all. And I promised Tim's doctor that I would take care of him during his recovery. So, I don't think I'll return to work before Tim. You know, I still have a lot of nightmares about a few months ago and just being here brings back bad memories that I can't erase

*Lucy's voice wavered, tears threatening to spill from her eyes as she battled with her inner turmoil.*

Lucy: I... I'm sorry, Sergeant. I... I know I should be stronger because I'm a cop, but I just can't... I can't shake this feeling of... of being so weak. I feel like I'm abandoning my job, but I'm not, I love it, I just need more time

*Sergeant Grey's expression softened, his gaze filled with compassion as he reached out to offer Lucy a reassuring smile*

Grey: Lucy, it's okay to feel this way, especially after what you've been through. Your priority right now is Tim's recovery and yours, and there's no shame in needing time to heal. You've been through a lot, and it's perfectly natural to feel hesitant about returning to work. You're not weak, Lucy. You're human. Many of us would also have needed time to recover from such an ordeal and that's completely normal, that's what being human is. Okay Lucy ? Don't worry

Lucy : *tears in her eyes* but it's been more than 6 months since I was kidnapped, the trial is over, we won, I don't understand why I can't move on

Grey : For this kind of trauma, 6 months is not enough to recover from it, especially since it wasn't just your kidnapping, there was Tim's hospitalization, his rehabilitation... You have gone through a lot of difficulties in a short time, it will take you more than 6 months to recover, that's normal

*Tim reaches out to squeeze Lucy's hand, his touch a silent reminder of their unwavering support for each other. Feeling the warmth of his grasp, Lucy took a deep breath, her shoulders relaxing slightly as she drew strength from his presence*

Lucy: *sniffling* Thank you, Sergeant. I really appreciate your understanding and your support.

*Sergeant Grey nodded, a sense of resolve in his eyes as he addressed the couple*

Grey: Of course, Lucy. Take all the time you need. We'll manage here at the station. Your health and well-being are what's most important.

*As Lucy struggled to compose herself, she felt a wave of gratitude wash over her, knowing that she had the support of her colleagues and superiors as she navigated this challenging time*

*The conversation with Sergeant Grey left Tim and Lucy feeling a mixture of relief and apprehension. While they were grateful for the understanding and support they received, the weight of their decision weighed heavily on their minds as they contemplated the road ahead*

*Leaving Sergeant Grey's office, Tim and Lucy found themselves lost in thought, their footsteps echoing in the empty hallway. It was a sobering reminder of the challenges they faced, both individually and as a couple, as they sought to rebuild their lives in the aftermath of their ordeal*

*As they made their way back to their friends, Tim and Lucy were greeted with warm smiles, a silent reminder of the bonds that held them together through thick and thin*

Nyla: How did it go?

*Tim and Lucy exchanged a knowing glance, their eyes reflecting a shared sense of determination.*

Tim: It went as well as could be expected. We have some things to figure out, but we'll get through it together.

*Nyla nods, her expression filled with understanding as she offered them a reassuring smile.*

Nyla: *We're all here for you... both of you. Whatever you need.

Tim : Thank you very much guys, you are the best

*they continue to spend time with their friends, they enjoy it because there are no emergency calls*

*After 1 hour*

Tim : *whispers to Lucy* I wanna go home, do you ?

Lucy : *whispers* me too

Tim : *to Angela* Angela, do you have something to do now ?

Angela : no why ?

Tim : we'd like to go home, I'm getting tired

Angela: Wesley and I will bring you home

*They say goodbye to their friends and return to Angela and Wesley's car*

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