Chapter 100

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*At nightfall*

Lucy : Tim ?
Tim : yes babe ?
Lucy: I'm tired, can you come to bed with me ? I don't wanna be alone
Tim : of course

*They go to their bedroom and get ready to go to bed. Then, they lie in their bed. Tim notices that Lucy's t-shirt is lifted slightly, revealing her gunshot wound scar. He touches it*

Tim: *softly* Lucy, your scar... it's still there.

*Lucy's cheeks flushes with a mixture of embarrassment and shame, her fingers instinctively reaching to tug her t-shirt back into place, as if to hide the imperfection from Tim*

Lucy: *ashamed* I know, Tim. It's... it's bigger than it should be.

*Tim's heart aches at the vulnerability in Lucy's voice, his own fingers itching to reach out and brush away her insecurities.*

Tim: Lucy, don't be ashamed. You're still beautiful, your scars don't change your beauty. And then who am I to criticize a scar *he lifts his t-shirt* have you seen all my scars ?

*Lucy's eyes shimmered with unshed tears as she met his gaze, her heart swelling with a mixture of gratitude and relief at his unwavering acceptance*

Lucy: Thank you, Tim. I... I needed to hear that. And your scars make you who you are. Your scars are mainly due to the beatings you received from your father, while for me, it's a completely stupid scar

Tim : no Lucy, don't say that, that's not a stupid scar, you were shot and kidnapped, this is proof that you survived a terrible ordeal

Lucy : no Tim, that's not only because of Chris and Caleb

*Lucy takes a deep breath to find the courage to explain the origin of the scar. Her voice trembles with emotion.

Lucy: You see, Tim... when you were in a coma, I... I forgot to take my medication as I was devasted. As u didn't treat my wound, it became badly infected, and it made me really sick. That's why Angela and Wesley had to take me back to the hospital.

*Tim's heart clenches with guilt as he listens to Lucy's confession, his fingers tracing gentle circles along her back in a silent gesture of comfort and understanding*

Tim: Lucy... I had no idea. I'm so sorry.

*Lucy shakes her head, her tears falling freely now as she reaches for Tim's hand, her grip tight with desperation*

Lucy: No, Tim... it's not your fault. I should've taken better care of myself. I should've been stronger.

*Tim pulls her close, his arms a silent embrace of reassurance and love*

Tim: Lucy, listen to me. You did everything you could. You were there for me when I needed you most. And now, we're here together, finally at home, stronger than ever and ready to sleep in our own bed.

Lucy : thank you Tim for being there for me and I'm sorry for not telling you sooner

Tim : you don't have to apologize Lucy. *Opens his arms* Come here

*Lucy lies her head on Tim's chest and puts her left hand (as she's laying on Tim's left side) on Tim's hand. They lie in this position, in silence, not asleep, for a moment*

Tim: *breaks the silence and whispers* Lucy?
Lucy: *murmurs sleepily* Hmm?
Tim: You awake?
Lucy: *softly* Barely. I was almost asleep. What's up?
Tim: Nothing, I'm just... enjoying this moment with you, in our bed for the first time in months
Lucy: *snuggling closer* Me too. And your heartbeat is like a lullaby.
Tim: *chuckles* At least it's not a loud lullaby, and you can listen to it every time we are together, forever
Lucy: *giggles* I wouldn't mind.
Tim: *sighs contentedly* I love you, Lucy.
Lucy: *smiles and looks at Tim* "I love you too, Tim.

*They kiss*

Lucy : Sweet dreams
Tim: Goodnight, my love. And so happy to be here with you
Lucy : *almost asleep* me too

*Tim watches Lucy fall asleep. He gently caresses her back before falling asleep too*

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