Chapter 5

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Tim : *to himself* it has to be her

*Tim arrives to the huge hole and sees a silhouette, however, he can barely distinguish it as there is a lot of Sun, but he knows... He knows that person is Lucy*

*He runs straight to her*

Tim : *yelling* LUCY, LUCY MY LOVE I'M HERE

*The others hear him shouting and go to his position*

*As Tim arrives, he sees Lucy, she's in a bad state, she's unconscious. She has bruises in every part of her body. She has dried blood on her right side, where she was shot a week earlier. She also has dried blood on her head, one of the men must have hit her. Moreover, she is sweating a lot, she has been under the blazing sun for several hours*

*Tim unties Lucy*

Tim : *with tears in his eyes* you're gonna be fine babe, I promise, they called an ambulance.

*Tim lies Lucy on the ground but holds her close*

Grey : the helicopter is coming in less than 5 minutes
Tim : *to Lucy* Lucy wake up, please, we need you... I need you. Do you hear me ?
Lucy : *slowly wakes up, very weakly* T.... T.... Tim
Tim : *relieved* : Lucy, my love, take it easy, don't move, you're hurt.
Lucy : *crying* it hurts a lot and it so hot
Tim : I know my love, help will arrive very soon.

*Tim holds Lucy close to him*

*Their colleagues went to find a large tarpaulin to put over Lucy to give her shade*

*A couple of minutes later, the helicopter arrives, they put Lucy inside to fly her to the LA's hospital. Tim goes with her, he holds her hand.*

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