Chapter 40

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Angela : so, previously in the afternoon, you told to officer Chen that you wanted to kill her and her boyfriend. Is that true ?
Matt : you do not have to answer the question
Stephen : yes, I tried to kill 'em
Angela : do you know who is the officer Chen's boyfriend ?
Stephen : of course, otherwise I wouldn't have told that I wanted to kill him
Angela : can you give me his name
Matt : do not answer the question
Stephen : Sergeant Timothy "Tim" Bradford, LAPD officer
Angela : why did you want to kill them ?
Matt : that's enough for now, I need a break to talk with my client in private please.
Angela : of course *she leaves the room and finds Grey and Nyla in the hallway* I'm gonna check on Lucy, call me when they're ready
Grey : no problem

*She goes to Tim's office, and sees Lucy, still asleep. She notices that she has a blanket. She closes the door and falls on her husband who was coming to check on Lucy*

Wesley : hey, already finished?
Angela : nah, Stephen's lawyer wanted to talk with him. I'm glad they didn't call you
Wesley : well, they did call me but I refused the case because of a conflict of interest 
Angela : do you know his lawyer then ?
Wesley : who is it ?
Angela : his name is Matthew Murdock
Wesley : *laughs* as in "Nelson and Murdock", the law firm with the blind guy of the TV show Daredevil ?
Angela : no, of course not, first of all, he's not blind. Then, Daredevil is a really good lawyer, just like you, and finally, he's not that bad physically
Wesley : well that would have been funny
Angela : you didn't answer my question, do you know him ?
Wesley : nope, not at all, he's probably new, I've never met the new members of the Bar yet
Angela : so you don't know if he's good or not
Wesley : no, I'm sorry Ange
Angela : that's fine
Grey : Lopez, time to continue the questioning
Angela : yep, I'm coming Grey. *To Wesley* Love you Wes *kisses him*
Wesley : love you too

*Angela goes back to the interrogation room*

Angela : so, where were we ? Oh yes, why did you want to kill Chen and Bradford ?
Matt : This was not my client's wishes.
Angela : he just said that he wanted to kill 'em
Matt : he had no choice
Angela : Mr. Romanoff, can you explain ?
Stephen : I wasn't working on my own
Angela : what do you mean
Matt : we tell you who Stephen works for, in exchange you drop all the charges you have against him.
Angela : that won't be possible, he tried to kill 2 police officers, 2 members of our family, so NOW, you tell who is your boss
Matt : go ahead, your sentence is reduced if you are under the influence of someone
Stephen : I work for Rosalind Dyer

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