Chapter 83

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Specter : Mr. Stephen Romanoff is therefore accused of attempted premeditated homicide, in other words an assassination, under the orders of Ms. Rosalind Dyer. Mr. Romanoff, what are you pleading?
Stephen : *silence*
Matt : *whispers* you better answer otherwise you will make your case worse
Stephen : I plead guilty
Specter : Do you want to add anything in your defense?
Stephen : that was not my intention, I didn't wanna do that, Rosalind forced me
Specter : Ms Rosalind Dyer, you are accused of complicity in attempted murder. What are you pleading ?
Rosalind : *laughs* not guilty

*Friends of Tim and Lucy revolt in the audience*

Specter : silence please. I will now give the floor to the applicants, Lucy Chen, Tim Bradford and their lawyer, Wesley Evers
Wesley : *whispers to Tim and Lucy* who wants to start ?
Tim : *looks at Lucy, she's scared* I'm going first
Wesley : You want me to take you to the witness stand?
Tim : yes please *she looks at Lucy and smiles* it's gonna be okay

*Wesley pushes Tim's chair to the witness stand*

Tim : thank you

Specter : Mr Bradford, I need to raise your right hand and answer this question : do you solemnly swear that the testimony you may give in the case now pending before this court shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?
Tim : I swear
Specter : okay, you can put your hand down now. The Court is ready to hear your statements.

*Tim explains what happened and especially how he experienced the situation, then it's Lucy's turn to explain her point of view after taking an oath to tell the truth*

*When she recounts the events, and particularly when she talks about the months when Tim was in a coma, Lucy struggles to hold back her tears*

*When she returns to her seat, Tim takes her hand*

Tim : *whispers* you did a good job, you were perfect
Lucy : thank you

Specter : I will now ask Sergeant Wade Grey to come to the witness box to explain the role of the police in the case

*Grey stands up, walks to the witness box, and like Tim and Lucy, he swears to say the truth*

Specter : Sergeant, tell us about Rosalind Dyer's connection to the police
Grey : Rosalind was arrested several times for small crimes at first, she was often released fairly quickly, until one day she began serially killing people. This is where my teams used all their skills to stop her
Specter : Were Tim and Lucy part of the teams searching for Mrs. Dyer?
Grey : no they weren't
Specter : thank you, you can go sit down. I will now question the witnesses who have come to my attention. Ms. Angela Lopez, Ms. Nyla Harper, Mr. John Nolan and Mr. Aaron Thorsen. Can you stand up and come to the stand please

*Once again, they all take an oath to tell the truth. Aaron explains what happened when he and Lucy saw Chris and Caleb, when they were shot. Then Nyla and Angela explain what Tim and Lucy have experienced in recent months*

Specter : thank you, you can go to sit. It's 11:54 a.m., we're going to have lunch, we will resume the session at 3 p.m.

*Everyone (except Tim) stands up as the judge leaves the room*

*Tim, Lucy, Wesley, Angela and all their friends gather at the entrance to the courtroom*

Angela : *tell everyone* Guys, come and eat at home, we will order pizzas, it will be friendly
Grey : we're not all going to come and invade your home
Wesley : We have already prepared the big table to welcome everyone. Plus we're not far from the Court

*They all go to Angela and Wesley's house. Tim and Lucy are in the car with their lawyer and his wife*

[Hey guys, I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while. I have a lot of exams and I can't fail them, so I study a lot. There probably won't be many chapters in the next few days for this reason.
Thank you for your comprehension.

Nothing to do with the story but I am very happy that the show is renewed for a 7th season.

Have a good day/night]

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