Chapter 50

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*While at the hospital*

*Lucy wakes up*

Angela : hey, how do you feel today ?
Lucy : a bit better, but I'm still not at my best, I still feel very weak
Angela : that's because of the infection. It will last several more days

*Wesley comes back*

Wesley : *Gives Angela the coffee he bought her* hey Lucy, you awake, you want some coffee or something else ?
Lucy : no thanks, I don't want anything
Wesley : you should eat something
Lucy : I'm not hungry, maybe later

*Knock knock knock*

*Nyla and John enter the room*

Nyla : the Sleeping Beauties are awake
Angela : hey Nyla
John : hello
Lucy : *happy* John
John : hey Lucy, good to see you *hugs her* how do you feel ?
Lucy : weak
John : no you're strong
Lucy : *smiles*
Nyla : I stopped by this morning with Grey, but you were all sleeping
Wesley : well, we haven't been awake for long, you're lucky, 15 minutes ago we were still asleep
John : so what happened ?
Lucy : I have an infection
John : why ?
Lucy : I forgot to take my meds and to change my bandage with everything that happened to Tim
Nyla : Speaking of Tim, we're coming back from prison with Nolan, we questioned Rosalind
Angela : did she confess ?
Nyla : she more or less admitted to being at the origin of everything that happened to Lucy and Tim
Lucy : Wesley, you told me she got a reduced sentence for good behavior, the judge will be able to revoke that with what she did, I hope
Wesley : Normally yes, she will be sentenced to life
Lucy : she deserves to die

*After 30 minutes*

Nyla : well, that was good talking to you but we gotta go back to the station
Angela : bye thank you to have passed
John : see ya

*They leave*

Lucy : *rests his head on Tim's chest* I'm sure he'll wake up, he's so strong
Angela : He's a fighter, knowing him he's doing everything he can do to see you again

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