Chapter 91

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*One month later*

Tim: *stands in the rehabilitation gym, determination etched on his face, as he takes careful steps forward with his crutches*

Conrad: *watches Tim's progress with a smile* Excellent job, Tim. You're doing amazing.

Lucy: *sitting nearby, her eyes shining with pride* I can't believe how far you've come, Tim. I'm so proud of you.

Tim: *grins* Thanks, Lucy. It's been tough, but it's worth it to see the progress. It's also thanks to you, you never gave up on me

Conrad: *approaches Tim* You're doing so well that I think it's time we try something new.

Tim: *curious* What do you have in mind?

Conrad: How about we try walking without the crutches for a short distance? Your strength and balance have improved significantly.

Tim: *nods* Let's give it a shot.

*As Tim takes hesitant steps without his crutches, a sense of accomplishment washes over him. But after a few steps, his legs give way, and he falls to the ground*

Lucy: *rushes to his side* Tim! Are you okay?

Tim: *gritting his teeth* Yeah, just a stumble. I'll be fine.

Conrad: *helps Tim back onto his feet, he gives him the crutches* It's okay, Tim. It's all part of the process. We'll keep working on it, and you'll get there.

Tim: *determined* I won't give up. I'll keep pushing until I can walk without these crutches.

Lucy: *places a reassuring hand on Tim's shoulder* We're in this together, Tim. We'll get through it, no matter what.

*At the end of the session*

Conrad : Tim, Lucy, can you follow me to my office?

Tim : yes of course

*In Conrad's office*

Conrad: *smiles warmly* Tim, Lucy, please have a seat. I have some exciting news to share with you both.

Tim: *takes a seat, with Lucy by his side* What's up, Conrad?

Lucy: *leaning forward attentively* Yeah, we're all ears.

Conrad: *takes a deep breath, his expression filled with pride* Tim, over the past few weeks, you've made remarkable progress in your rehabilitation. Your strength, balance, and mobility have improved significantly.

Tim: *beaming* Thanks, Conrad. It's been a lot of hard work, but it feels great to see the results.

Conrad: *nods* Absolutely. And based on your progress, I believe it's time to discuss the possibility of you leaving the hospital.

Lucy: *her eyes widen in surprise* Really? That's amazing news!

Tim:*excited* Does that mean I can go home?

Conrad: *smiles* Yes, it does. However, there are a few conditions we need to discuss first.

*Tim's doctor enters the room and joins the conversation*

Doctor: Good afternoon, everyone.

Tim: *nods respectfully* Good afternoon, Doctor.

Lucy : hello doctor

Conrad: *addressing Tim and Lucy* your doctor and I have reviewed your case, and we both agree that you're ready to leave the hospital.

Doctor : However, there are a few precautions we need to take. You'll need to continue taking your medication, Tim, and it's essential that we avoid you being alone for the time being.

Tim: *furrows his brows* Avoid being alone?

Lucy: *places a reassuring hand on Tim's arm* I'll stay with you all the time, Tim. You won't be alone for a second.

Conrad: *nods* That's excellent, Lucy. Having someone with you, Tim, will ensure your safety and provide additional support during your recovery.

Tim: *smiles gratefully at Lucy* Thank you, Lucy. I don't know what I'd do without you.

Doctor: *clears his throat* One more thing, Tim. While you're making excellent progress, I must emphasize that you're not yet cleared to return to work.

Tim: *nods* Understood, Doctor. My health comes first.

Lucy: *supportively* We'll figure it out, Tim. Your well-being is the most important thing right now.

Conrad: That's the spirit, Tim. We'll continue with your rehabilitation sessions to ensure you maintain your progress. I'll set up a schedule for you to come in every other day instead of every day.

Tim: *grateful* Thanks, Conrad. That'll give us some breathing room.

Doctor: *smiles* It sounds like we have a plan then. Tim, Lucy, congratulations on your progress. I'll have the discharge papers prepared, and you should be able to leave tomorrow morning.

Lucy: *tears of joy welling up in her eyes* Thank you, Doctor. We can't wait to start this new chapter together.

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