Chapter 114

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*After the session, Tim heads home, Angela drove him to the hospital as Lucy had some work. When Tim arrives at the apartment, Lucy is waiting for him in the living room*

Lucy: Hey, how was the session yet?

Tim: It was good. Conrad mentioned the wedding. He hopes I won’t need the crutch by then.

Lucy: That would be amazing. But even if you do, it won’t change a thing. You’re still perfect to me.

Tim: *smiling* Thanks, Luce. I want to be at my best for you.

Lucy: You already are. *kisses him gently* Ready to start planning our wedding?

Tim: Absolutely. Let’s do this.

*They sit down at the kitchen counter, a notebook and laptop ready for their planning session. Lucy opens the notebook, jotting down ideas as they brainstorm.*

Lucy: Okay, first things first. The date. When do we want to get married?

Tim: I was thinking maybe in July. It gives us a few months to plan, and the weather will be perfect.

Lucy: I love that idea. Summer it is.

Tim: Sounds good to me. Let’s set a tentative date for the end of July. Gives us about five months to get everything in order.

Lucy: Perfect. Now, the venue. Do we want something traditional, or more unique?

Tim: I was thinking about something that reflects us. Maybe an outdoor venue with a great view of the city. Like where I proposed.

Lucy: The Griffith Observatory? That would be amazing! It’s beautiful, and it has so much meaning for us now.

Tim: Exactly. Let’s see if we can book it.

*Lucy makes a note to contact the observatory, and they move on to other details.*

Lucy: Next, the guest list. We should start with our closest friends and family.

Tim: Definitely. We’ll keep it relatively small. Just the people who matter most to us.

*They begin listing names, smiling as they think of the loved ones they want to share their special day with.*

Lucy: I can’t wait to see everyone together, celebrating with us. It’s going to be perfect.

Tim: so we wrote : Angela and Wesley. John, Bailey and Henry. Nyla and James [in this story, neither Nyla nor Angela has children]. Grey, Luna and Dominique.

Lucy: Aaron and Celina

Tim: don't forget Smitty, he would be mad if we don't invite him. Do you wanna invite your parents ?

Lucy: absolutely not. They didn't support me when I became a police officer and they still want me to stop my relationship with you. I won't invite them to our wedding. But I wanna invite my aunt.

Tim: let's write her name

Lucy: and you ? What about you're family ?

Tim: I already wrote Genny and my nephew's names on the guest list

Lucy: what about your dad?

Tim: no way. I don't want him at our wedding. I'd be drunk and hurt me like he always does when I see him.

Lucy: okay, so no parents

Tim: Now, what about the theme? Do we want something specific?

Lucy: I was thinking something elegant but simple. Maybe black and white with a touch of gold

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