Chapter 98

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*As Angela and Wesley took Tim and Lucy home, the atmosphere in the car was one of quiet contentment mixed with anticipation. Tim and Lucy exchanged grateful glances, their hearts filled with appreciation for their friends' unwavering support.*

Angela: So, how are you feeling, Tim? Lucy?

*Tim smiled, the warmth of Angela's concern evident in her voice.*

Tim: We're doing okay, thanks to you guys. It's been a long way, but we're finally going home.

*Lucy nodded in agreement, her gaze drifting out the window as she watched the familiar streets pass by.*

Lucy: Yeah, we couldn't have made it this far without you guys. We're so grateful for everything you've done for us.

*Wesley chuckled, his eyes reflecting a mix of pride and affection as he glanced at Tim and Lucy in the rearview mirror.*

Wesley: Ah, don't mention it. We're just happy to see you both fine and finally out of the hospital.

*As they enter Tim and Lucy's apartment, Angela looks at them with a big smile*

Angela: We've got a little surprise for you guys.

*Tim and Lucy exchanged curious glances, their interest piqued by Angela's words*

Tim: Oh? What kind of surprise?*

Angela : *grins* just look in the fridge, you'll see

Lucy : *surprised* No way, you filled our fridge

Angela: yes, we went shopping yesterday and stocked up your fridge when you called to tell us you were leaving the hospital. Thought you could use a break from the horrible hospital food.

*Tim and Lucy's eyes widened in surprise, overwhelmed by their friends' thoughtfulness.*

Lucy: Angela, Wesley, you didn't have to do that. Thank you so much.*

*Tim echoed Lucy's sentiments, his voice filled with gratitude.*

Tim: Seriously, you guys are the best. Thank you for taking care of us.

*Angela and Wesley shared a knowing smile, their hearts warmed by the genuine appreciation in Tim and Lucy's voices*

Angela: It's the least we could do. Now, let's sit a bit on the couch

With Angela and Wesley's help, Tim and Lucy made their way to the couch, the weight of the past few months lifting ever so slightly as they sit on the sofa. The familiar surroundings enveloped them in a sense of comfort and familiarity, a welcome respite from the sterile confines of the hospital.

Lucy: Wow, it feels so good to be home.

*Tim nodded in agreement, a sense of relief washing over him as he took in the sight of their cozy living space.*

Tim: Yeah, it really does. Thank you both again for everything.

*Angela and Wesley exchanged a knowing glance, their hearts swelling with pride at the sight of their friends finally settling back into their home.*

Angela: Anytime, Tim. Lucy. We're just happy to have you back at home

*They chat a bit and later, with Angela and Wesley's help, Tim and Lucy begin unpacking their stuff. The simple act of putting their clothes in the closets  symbolizes a new beginning filled with hope and possibility*

*Once they're done, Angela and Wesley leave Tim and Lucy alone*

Angela : call us if you need anything, no matter the time, during the day or in the middle of the night, if you need anything, call us

Tim : thank you very much guys

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