Chapter 44

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*Angela can't sleep. To let Wesley sleep, she goes to the living room. Passing by the guest room, she hears Lucy crying. She knocks on the door*

Angela : Lucy can I come in ?

*Lucy doesn't answer so Angela enters*

*Angela sees Lucy curled up in the bed. She sits on the edge of the bed next to Lucy*

Angela : Lucy, you're absolutely not okay, do you want me to drive you to the ER to be check by a doctor ?
Lucy : *sobbing* no
Angela : *puts her hand on Lucy right side to confort her*
Lucy : ow
Angela : did I hurt you ?
Lucy : *still sobbing* it's okay
Angela : wait Lucy, wasn't that the side where you got shot ?
Lucy : *nods yes*
Angela : did you change your bandage ?
Lucy : *nods no*
Angela : let me look at your wound

*She takes off the bandage*

Angela : wow Lucy, it's completely infected, that why you're not okay, the infection is spreading in all your body. I need to try to disinfect

*She goes to get the first aid kit*

Angela : Lucy, you didn't take your meds either, since when ?
Lucy : *cries because of the pain* I... I don't... I don't know... Since... The last day I... I spent with... With Tim
Angela : at the hospital?
Lucy : n... No... Since before the beach
Angela : it's been at least a week, Lucy, you're hurting yourself
Lucy : I... I forgot... And... And now it... It hurts
Angela : I've finished your bandage, I'm gonna take your temperature

*She takes her temperature*

Angela : 102°F  *(=38.8°C)*  You have a fever, I'm going to make you some tea, you don't want to get dehydrated

*She goes to the kitchen and prepare some tea*

*Wesley hears some noise coming from outside their bedroom. He notices that Angela is not in bed. He gets up to go see what she's doing*

Wesley : *with a sleepy voice, rubbing his eyes* Angela, what are you doing, it's almost 2 am
Angela : Lucy has an infected wound and a fever, I'm making her some tea
Wesley : her wound is infected ?
Angela : yes, that's probably why she is in this state
Wesley : I'll go check on her

*He walks to the guest room. The door is opened, he enters*

Wesley : Lucy ?
Lucy : *looks at him* T... Tim ! You're here, you're fine...

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