Chapter 106

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*Time skip, 2 months later*

Lucy drove Tim to his rehab session. At the end of the session, Conrad, the physiotherapist, asks Tim and Lucy to follow him into his office*

Conrad: Alright, Tim, Lucy, please have a seat.

Tim: *nods*, taking a seat beside Lucy*

Lucy: *clasps her hands together, her heart racing with anticipation*

Conrad: So, I've been reviewing your progress, Tim, and I'm pleased to say that you've made significant improvements over the past few months.

Tim: *smiles gratefully* Thanks, Conrad. It's been a journey, that's for sure.

Conrad: Indeed. I think it's time to talk about you returning to work.

Tim: *surprised* really ? Isn't it too soon ?

Conrad: You've made a lot of progress and your rehabilitation is going faster than we expected. So now, regarding your return to work, there are still a few conditions we need to discuss.

Lucy: *leans forward, listening intently*

Tim : I'm listening

Conrad: Firstly, you'll need to stay at the station for the time being. No patrol duty, at least not yet. I know that patrol is the core of your job but you are not yet ready enough to return to patrolling the streets of LA

Tim: *nods* Understood. I can handle administrative tasks or interrogations, whatever is needed at the station.

Conrad: Good. Secondly, we'll need to adjust your working hours. You can't push yourself too hard, Tim. We'll start with shorter shifts and gradually extend them as you build up your stamina. You will see it for yourself, at the beginning, it will be hard to return to work after so much time off

Lucy: *squeezes Tim's hand reassuringly* We'll take it one step at a time.

Conrad: Exactly. Thirdly, you'll still need to continue with your rehabilitation sessions, but we'll reduce the frequency to twice a week.

Tim: I guess I'll have to adjust my work schedule around the rehabilitation sessions

Conrad: yes absolutely, maybe it would be better if you didn't work on the days you have rehabilitation sessions, but that's up to you. And finally, you can try walking with just one crutch if you feel up to it, but be careful not to overexert yourself.

Tim: *takes a deep breath, absorbing the information* Got it. I'll make sure to follow the plan.

Lucy: *smiling proudly* We appreciate all your guidance, Conrad.

Conrad: It's my pleasure, Tim, Lucy. You've both shown tremendous dedication to your recovery.

Tim: *as they exit Conrad's office* Well, that went better than expected.

Lucy: *links her arm with Tim's* Definitely. It's a step in the right direction.

Tim: *grinning* Looks like I'll be back in the game sooner than we thought.

Lucy: *smiles warmly* Just remember to take it easy, Tim. We don't want any setbacks.

Tim: Don't worry, Lucy. I'll stick to the plan.

Lucy: *nodding* Good. I'll make sure you don't push yourself too hard at work. And if you ever need anything, you know I'm here for you, right?

Tim: *gently squeezes her hand* Always, Lucy. Always.

Lucy: *as they drive home* So, how are you feeling about going back to work?

Tim: *leans back in his seat, contemplating* It's a mix of excitement and nerves, to be honest. But having you by my side makes it a whole lot easier.

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