Chapter 37

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Wesley : so what will you take ?
Angela : I think I'll go for spring rolls and Cantonese rice
Lucy : I'll take the sea bass
Angela : u Wes ?
Wesley : I'll eat sushis
Waiter : have you made your choice ?
Wesley : yes, so 1 plate of spring rolls and Cantonese rice, the sea bass and sushis please
Waiter : will you drink something with that ?
Angela : a bottle of white wine please, it would be great with our meal
Waiter : no problem, I'll come back with your meal
Wesley : thank you

*10 minutes later*

Waiter : here's your meal, enjoy it
Wesley : thank you

*Once they finish, they pay and return to the car*

Wesley : Lucy, do you wanna do something before heading back to the station ?
Lucy : yeah hum... I'll take a taxi to go to the hospital, I really need to see Tim
Angela : What bullshit are you talking about, you're not going to take a taxi, we're going to take you
Lucy : Nah it's okay, you've already done so much for me
Angela : that's not an option, get in the car
Lucy : o... Okay thank you

*Lucy get in the car and they go to the hospital*

*Once there*

Angela : Wesley and I will wait in the waiting room
Lucy : you don't wanna see Tim ?
Angela : we'll let you spend some time alone with him
Lucy : okay

*Lucy goes to Tim's room, a nurse is checking on him*

Lucy : good afternoon
Nurse : good afternoon
Lucy : how is he ? Is he fine ?
Nurse : there has been no change
Lucy : *disappointed* oh
Nurse : I'm sorry if there is no improvement
Lucy : that's not your fault

*The nurse leaves the room*

*Lucy sits in a chair next to Tim, who is still lying in bed on life support. She places her crutches on the ground*

Lucy : *strokes Tim's cheek* I'm here babe, I love you *she kisses his hand* and I miss you so so much. I'm nothing without you. Hopefully Angela and Wesley are here. I don't know what I would do without them. For the first time since the beach, they made me laugh. Oh and we found who hurt you. Angela and Nyla questioned me to know what happened. Wesley was here to represent me, even though I didn't do anything wrong. Then, we analyzed the video surveillance of the beach. We noticed a strange man who dispersed a strange smoke. That's what attacked your lungs. After that, Angela and Nyla made some research about this guy. His name is Stephen Romanoff, he's American-Russian and he is known by the NYPD for the same crime. Now, Angela's team is working on this case, they are looking for him. I hope we'll find him quickly. I really hope he'll give us a way to cure you. I miss you, I don't wanna go home, I'd feel too alone. I know you're already doing that but please fight, don't give up, you'll be fine. *Has a tear rolling over her face*

*While in the waiting room*

*Angela's phone is ringing*

Angela : *answering* detective Lopez... Really ?... Yes... Okay... Now ?... Okay... No problem. *Hangs up*. *To Wesley* we gotta go
Wesley : let's go find Lucy

*They run to Tim's room*

Angela : *opens the door* Lucy ?
Lucy : *looks to Angela with tears in the eyes* yes ?
Angela : we found him
Lucy : really ?
Angela : yes, let's go

*They go to the car and head to the station*

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