Chapter 4

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*While crying, Tim sees a red light coming from a corner of the room*

Tim : Angela look, there's a light over there
Angela : *goes to it* that's a camera, it's recording
Tim : *regains hope* maybe if we watch the video we'll be able to understand what they did to Lucy.

*Angela informs Grey and with Tim they go to the camera and watch the video*

*At the beginning they couldn't see anything because Chris was too close to the camera but as the video goes, they are able to see Lucy, she's hurt and tied to a chair, there's no sound but Tim can tell she is crying and asking for help.*

Tim : where is she now, Angela, put the video on fast reading please, there is no time to waste.

*Angela puts on fast reading, they see that Caleb and Chris took Lucy, still tied to the chair, outside the house, so they run outside*

*As it is an abandoned house, there is nothing near the position*

Tim : she could be anywhere
Grey : *over radio* I need backups and a helicopter to look for Lucy Chen.

*They start looking everywhere*

*A couple hours later, Tim sees a shiny coin on the ground*

Tim : guys, this coin on the floor, Lucy found it with me when we had our first date. She always keeps it because it's not an American cent, I think that's the European currency, she likes it. I'm sure she is somewhere here.

*Tim continues to look around like the other officers*

*A couple of minutes later, Tim sees a huge hole, he runs to it, he is sure Lucy's there*

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