Chapter 112

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*Next morning*

*Tim and Lucy wake up, both filled with excitement and anticipation for the day ahead. Today, they’re going to share their big news with their friends.*

Tim: Morning, future Mrs. Bradford.
Lucy: *smiling widely* Morning, future Mr. Chen. I can't wait for us to get married
Tim: we'll planned the wedding quickly so that we can get married as soon as possible
Lucy: that'll be perfect

*They share a kiss, their joy palpable.*

Tim: Ready to tell everyone today?
Lucy: Absolutely. I can’t wait to see their reactions. Even if Angela and Nyla are more or less already aware
Tim: I needed help to make it perfect for you
Lucy: and that was perfect, thank you

*They get ready for work, both unable to stop smiling as they imagine their friends' responses.*

*At the police station, Tim and Lucy gather their friends in the briefing room. Sergeant Grey, Nyla, Angela, John, Aaron, Smitty and Celina. Even Wesley and Bailey are here. Wesley was at the station for the interrogation of a client and Lucy texted Bailey to come to the station without giving her some more informations. They're all in the break room, curious about the impromptu meeting.*

Grey: What's this all about, Bradford? Chen? Why are Bailey and Wesley here too?

Tim: Well, we have some good news to share with all of you. *pauses, looking at Lucy with a loving smile*

John: What are you waiting for to tell us?

Tim: Lucy and I are engaged.

*The room erupts into cheers and congratulations. Angela and Nyla hug Lucy tightly, while John and Aaron pat Tim on the back. Wesley and Bailey join in the celebration with broad smiles.*

Angela: Congratulations, you two!

Nyla: About time, Bradford. We're all so happy for you both.

Celina: Show us the ring please

Lucy: *showing the ring* it's perfect. And thank you Angela for choosing it with Tim

Angela: I didn't do anything, I just gave my opinion

Aaron: wait you already knew Tim was about to propose to Lucy ?

Grey: of course, she's Tim's best friend

John: Wahou, this is amazing news guys. How did the proposal happen?

Bailey: Yes, tell us everything!

Lucy: *laughs* Okay, okay. So, it was our second anniversary yesterday. Tim had been planning this surprise for weeks. He took me to the Griffith Observatory.

Aaron: That’s a beautiful spot. Nice choice, Tim.

Tim: *smiling* Thanks. We went up to the rooftop terrace, where you can see all of LA. I told Lucy how much she means to me and how much we've been through together.

Lucy: And then he got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. It was the most romantic moment of my life.

Celina: That sounds perfect. Tim, you really know how to plan a proposal.

Smitty: You managed to get on one knee while you still walk with a crutch, I would never have been able to, it's too tiring

Tim: I'd do anything for Lucy

Wesley: So, did you cry, Lucy?

Lucy: *laughs, nodding* Oh, definitely. It was such an emotional moment. I still can’t believe it.

Grey: Well, I must say, this is some of the best news we’ve had around here in a while. Congratulations to both of you.

Bailey: Have you two thought about wedding plans yet?

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