Chapter 80

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Angela : did you sleep well ?
Tim : absolutely not
Lucy : we slept very little
Angela : here are two who had a lot of fun last night
Tim : *laughs* if only
Lucy : we had a lot of nightmares, probably because of the trial, we must have slept for like 5 hours or something like that
Angela : I understand, Wesley was worried yesterday and all night, he slept very little too
Tim : he doesn't have to be worried, he's very good at what he does
Angela : that's what I told him
Tim : at least tonight it'll be over
Angela : oh yes, finally
Lucy : after almost 6 months
Angela : yes
Tim : there is still something good today
Lucy : what ?
Tim : we can leave the hospital for a bit and see our friends again outside of this room
Angela : everyone will be here
Lucy : everyone ?
Angela : well maybe not Smitty, that would be too tiring for him

*They laugh*

Tim : but not everyone has to testify, why do they all come?
Angela : you are like their family, they come to support you
Lucy : they're so sweet

*Wesley comes back*

Wesley : everything is in order, Tim's doctor gave me a bag with his medications, all the papers are signed, the hospital has our phone numbers in case of problems, Angela and I even managed to gain one more day out of here for you guys
Lucy : what do you mean ?
Wesley : instead of coming back to the hospital tonight, you can come back tomorrow evening
Tim : really ?
Wesley : yes
Angela : we talked about this yesterday with Wesley, we mentioned it to your doctor Tim when we came by, he just had to check how you were today to give his approval
Tim : that's awesome thank you
Wesley : however, you'll have to spend the night at our house, the doctor doesn't want you to be alone in your apartment
Lucy : we don't wanna bother you
Angela : who said you were bothering ? We already prepared the guest room and brought you some clothes from your apartment
Lucy : you are the best friends we could have thank you
Tim : Lucy's right, thank you very much, you can't even imagine what it feels like to be able to get out of here, even for just 2 days
Angela : *smiles*
Lucy : wait, is that why you came earlier and the doctor needed you ?
Wesley : yes, we asked him not to tell you anything to surprise you, and so that you wouldn't be disappointed if it wasn't possible
Tim : thank you, we owe you one
Angela : stop saying bullshit, you don't owe us anything, we're so happy to spend this time with you
Lucy : us too
Wesley : *looks at his phone* time to go guys

*Lucy helps Tim to sit in his wheelchair*

Tim : thanks
Angela : do you have everything ?
Lucy : I think so, we have our papers, phones... wait we have to take everything we need to get ready tomorrow
Angela : don't worry, we already brought you toothpaste and toothbrushes, a hair brush,... And if you need something else, we should have it at home, don't worry
Lucy : thank you very much

*They go to Angela and Wesley's car*

Wesley : let me help you sit in the car Tim
Tim : thank you Wesley *He leans on Wesley to get into the car*
Angela : how does a wheelchair fold?
Lucy : I think like that *she folds the wheelchair*
Angela : wow, you're so talented Lucy
Lucy : *laughs* I just folded the wheelchair, nothing incredible

*They put the wheelchair in the trunk*

Wesley : girls, jump in the car, we're leaving
Angela : we're just here

*Everyone is in the car, they leave the hospital parking lot*

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