Chapter 65

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*They spend the rest of the day doing nothing in particular, just chilling and talking*

*6:30 p.m. a nurse brings dinner to Tim and Lucy*

Nurse : so Mr. Bradford, you have to eat soft or liquid food to begin. For your first meal, it's highly recommended to eat cold foods, that is why you have yogurt, compote and a small ice cream on your tray. Don't force yourself, if you can't eat anymore, stop. It's better to eat small amounts regularly than a lot at each meal and vomit because your stomach is no longer used to it
Tim : okay thank you
Nurse : Enjoy your meal
Tim : thanks
Lucy : thank you

*Lucy starts eating, Tim isn't*

Lucy : you're not eating ?
Tim : I wait 10-15 minutes, but you eat, otherwise your dish will be cold
Lucy : okay

*She finishes her meal*

Lucy : Tim, why haven't you started yet ?
Tim : I'm scared
Lucy : of what ?
Tim : I don't know, this is my first meal in 3 months
Lucy : don't worry, it's gonna be okay. Do you want me to open your yogurt ?
Tim : yes please
Lucy : *opens it* and there you go
Tim : thank you
Lucy : *hands him the spoon* here's your spoon

*Tim has difficulties grabbing the spoon. He tries to concentrate on getting the spoon into the yogurt before bringing it to his mouth. He does not manage to do it*

Tim : *gets angry* fuck,
Lucy : Tim, don't get angry, it's normal that you don't succeed the first time, the doctor said that you would have to relearn all the daily gestures
Tim : *has a tear rolling over his face*
Lucy : hey don't cry, it's okay *hugs him*
Tim : *bursts in tears* I didn't think it would be this hard to just eat
Lucy : It's normal Tim, but look at all the progress you've already made
Tim : *nods*
Lucy : do you want me to help you ?
Tim : that's so weird
Lucy : no, absolutely not, don't worry
Tim : you shouldn't have to go through this because of me
Lucy : look at me and listen, I'll be happy to help you, you hear me, so wipes away those tears
Tim : *smiles* thank you
Lucy : *kisses him*
Tim : I love you
Lucy : me too

*Lucy takes the yogurt and the spoon*

Lucy : now eat your yogurt
Tim : yes ma'am

*They laughs*

*Tim eats half the yogurt*

Tim : I won't be able to finish it
Lucy : it's okay, the nurse said you have to eat slowly, you'll eat more late. Do you wanna watch TV ?
Tim : no thank you, I think I'm gonna sleep
Lucy : okay
Tim : I don't know why I'm tired, I didn't do anything in particular and I even took a long nap
Lucy : that's because of the meds and the fact that your body no longer used to sleeping only at night after spending 3 months in a coma
Tim : that could be the reason

*Tim falls asleep. Lucy too, less than an hour after him*

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