Chapter 23

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Tim : in the hospital, they rushed you to the OR, leaving me alone, in the waiting room, without any information. They left me there for 3 hours. Then a doctor came to explain to me what happened, hopefully, you wrote my name as emergency contact. He told me they did a scan to you and discovered a lot of internal bleedings, the bullet near your spine and all the other things you had. The doctor was about to go when he got page. He told me that you were under cardiac arrest. My brain stopped thinking. He asked me if they had to do CPR or let you go. Ofc, I chose CPR, I couldn't lose you... Again. The doctor left, I went back to my seat and all our friends came to support us. I explained them what you had and your cardiac arrest. I couldn't stop crying. I think there is not a single day when I hadn't cried when you disappeared. When the doctor came back to told me you had a normal heart rate, I felt better. I asked Wesley what we could legally do, he briefly told me what he explained to you. And then I don't remember anything of what happened between my discussion with Wesley and when the doctor came back again 6 hours later. I fell asleep on Angela's shoulder.
Lucy : that's because you hadn't slept at all
Tim : yes. And finally, the doctor came back to tell me that you should have a full recovery. I went by your side, and the rest of the story, you know it.
Lucy : I understand why you look so tired. And I'm sure you didn't sleep this night as I wasn't good. Am I right ?
Tim : you are.
Lucy : Tim, babe, you need to sleep, please, you'll have problems if you don't.

*Lucy looks at Tim. His eyes are bloodshot and wet. He has tears rolling over his face. Lucy tries to wipe away his tears*

Tim : I'm sorry
Lucy : for what ?
Tim : crying
Lucy : don't ever apologize for crying. You have the right to cry, even for no reason. And then reliving this week is very hard. On top of that, your state of fatigue doesn't help the situation.
Tim : I don't wanna lose you *hugs her tightly*
Lucy : you won't
Tim : I love you Lucy
Lucy : I love you Timothy

*They lie down on the beach, without a word*

*30 minutes later*

Lucy : Tim, can we go home, I'm a bit cold
Tim : *no answer*
Lucy : Tim ? *looks at him*

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