Chapter 12

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*Next morning, Tim and Lucy are woken up by a nurse checking on Lucy*

Nurse : I'm sorry to bother you. Lucy, we'll be able to go home in the afternoon under a few conditions.
Lucy : which are ?
Nurse : you must take your meds, eat correctly, drink a lot and get some rest, no work for a bit, anyway with your broken leg, it's not possible for you to go back on patrol for the moment.
Lucy : understood
Nurse : oh and one more thing.
Lucy : yes ?
Nurse : you can't stay alone for the moment, do you have someone who can stay with you ?
Tim : I can
Lucy : but you have to work Tim, you already stopped working while I was in the hospital.
Tim : I'll talk to Grey don't worry, maybe I can work from home.
Nurse : okay then I'll come back when the doctor has signed your discharge form.
Lucy : thank you.

*The nurse leaves*

Lucy : Finally
Tim : You've only been in the hospital for 3 days
Lucy : yes but I can't really get some rest, there's always a doctor or a nurse coming
Tim : yeah I know my love. But you know that right now, the medications are given directly to you intravenously, they therefore act faster and stronger, but at home, they will be less effective, you know that
Lucy : yes I know, I hope it'll be fine
Tim : I'll be there to help you if it hurts too much.
Lucy : *in love* thank you *kisses him on his lips*
Tim : *kisses her back* it still early, you should try to sleep a bit more.
Lucy : yes sir *laughs*

*Lucy falls asleep. Tim takes his phone and creates a WhatsApp group with Angela, Wesley, Nyla, James, John, Bailey, Grey and Aaron*

*By text*
Tim : Hi guys, Lucy'll be out of the hospital in the afternoon
Angela : that's good news 😃
John : great
Grey : cool
Nyla : how's she ?
Tim : pretty good today. I wanted to ask you if you could help me prepare a surprise for her
Aaron : that's a really good idea
Angela : what do u wanna do ?
Tim : idk, not a big stuff, she'll be too tired.
Nyla : do u want sth at your apartment or somewhere else ?
Tim : I think at home will be better.
Grey : maybe a little aperitif, chill
Aaron : that's a good idea
Angela : I have another idea to add with Grey's. We could already be at your apartment, in silence, and when you enter : SURPRISE 🎉
Tim : yeah why not, you all have a lot of ideas 😂
Wesley : we take care of all that
Bailey : yep, if anyone bring a little sth, it will be quick
John : you're right
Grey : absolutely
Aaron : 👍
Angela : 👍
Nyla 👍🏾
Tim : thank u guys, I'll text u when we leave.
Angela : how will you come guys ? You went in helicopter with her.
Tim : we'll take a cab don't worry 🚕
Angela : Nah I'll come pick you up guys
Tim : okay, thanks Angela

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