Chapter 101

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*Next morning*

*Tim wakes up before Lucy. She still has her head on his chest. He stays lying down so as not to wake her, he doesn't want to move, he wants to stay in this position forever. He rubs Lucy hair while he watches her sleep*

*30 minutes later, Lucy wakes up*

Tim: *softly* Good morning, my love.

Lucy: *murmurs sleepily* Morning, Tim. How long have you been watching me sleep?
Tim : About half an hour
Lucy : Why didn't you wake me up? Because of me you couldn't even move
Tim: Why should I have woken you up? I love watching you sleep, you're so beautiful. Did you sleep well?
Lucy: *stretching* Like a baby. It's so good to wake up at home in your arms
Tim: I know, right? No more hospital noises, no more nurses or doctors coming in the room every hour
Lucy: "Exactly. Just peace and quiet. Just the two of us
Tim: So, any plans for today?
Lucy: *thoughtfully* Hmm, well, we could start with breakfast, then maybe go to the movies
Tim: *smiling* I like the sound of that. And maybe we could grab lunch at that little restaurant we used to love.
Lucy: *nodding eagerly* Yes, perfect! It's been ages since we've had a lazy day like this.
Tim: Agreed. I can't wait to spend the whole day with you.
Lucy: *snuggling closer* Me too. Just you and me, no distractions.
Tim : what do you wanna watch at the movies ?
Lucy : well I didn't really think about it but yesterday, I heard Aaron talking to the new rookie about a recent movie, I don't remember the name, but it was something about ghosts I think
Tim : Ghostbusters ?
Lucy : yes exactly, that was the film Aaron was talking about
Tim : let's watch the trailer

*Tim takes his phone to watch the movie trailer on YouTube*

Tim : It doesn't seem like a bad film
Lucy : oh and I love the main actor
Tim : who is he ?
Lucy : you didn't recognize him ? Paul Rudd
Tim : am I supposed to know him ?
Lucy : yes Tim, we watched a movie together where he appeared
Tim : which one ?
Lucy : Avengers Endgame
Tim : *thinks* oh yes that's Ant Man
Lucy : You see that you know him
Tim: *pressing a kiss to Lucy's forehead* It's okay, we've chosen the film we're going to see

*They lie down in silence for a few minutes, before Lucy breaks the silence*

Lucy: Tim?
Tim: Yeah?
Lucy: *hesitantly* Do you ever miss the hospital?
Tim: *pausing* A bit, yeah.
Lucy : why ?
Tim : The painkillers were stronger there, you know."
Lucy: *looks at Tim concerned* Are you in pain, Tim?
Tim: A little bit more than in the hospital, but that's normal. I'm getting better.
Lucy: *strokes Tim's cheek* Promise me you'll tell me if you're really in pain. I want to help you, Tim.
Tim: *smiling gratefully* I promise, Lucy. You're always there for me
Lucy : of course I am, just like you are for me

*They cuddle in bed for a moment before going to the kitchen to eat breakfast*

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