Chapter 45

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Wesley : euh no Lucy, I'm not Tim, I'm Wesley
Lucy : I missed you Tim

*Angela enters the room with the tea*

Wesley : Ange, Lucy is completely delusional, she thinks I'm Tim
Angela : Lucy, do you know where you are
Lucy : Home
Angela : Lucy, I'm going to retake your temperature *she does it* 104°F (= 40.5°C). Lucy your fever is rising very quickly, I don't let you the choice anymore, I'm driving you to the ER.
Lucy : *in a moment of lucidity. Crying* I don't wanna be admitted to the hospital
Angela : *Tries to reassure her* Lucy you're gonna be fine, but your condition will get worse if I don't take you there
Lucy : *crying* I... I don't wanna be intubated like Tim
Angela : Lucy, you don't have any trouble breathing now, so you won't be intubated. But if I don't bring you to the hospital now, maybe tomorrow you won't be able to breathe on your own, so please, let me drive to the ER
Lucy : *nods*
Angela : let's get you ready. Wesley, can you bring her shoes and 2 of my zip hoodies please
Wesley : of course, then I'll get dressed
Angela : you can stay here, don't worry
Wesley : I'm coming with you
Angela : okay

*Wesley leaves the room*

Angela : Lucy, I need you to sit down okay ?
Lucy : *crying* it hurts
Angela : I know, let me help you

*Lucy sits down. Wesley comes back with the shoes and the sweatshirts*

Angela : thanks Wes
Wesley : I'll get dressed, tell me if you need anything
Angela : thanks. *To Lucy* I'm gonna put you in a zip hoodie, okay. I will do it as gently as possible to not hurt you

*Lucy shivers and frowns while Angela help her with the hoodie*

Angela : great Lucy, you're perfect, now I'll put you your shoe

*She does it and puts on the other zip hoodie that Wesley brought*

Wesley : you ready ?
Angela : yes, let's go. Come on Lucy, take your crutches
Lucy : *takes them but falls on the floor at the first step*
Angela : Lucy you okay ?
Lucy : *cries, nods no* I don't have any strength anymore, I'm in pain
Wesley : I'll carry you to the car, don't worry, everything's gonna be okay

*Wesley carries her to the car, he puts her on the back seats, Angela goes with her and Wesley drives. Lucy has her head resting on Angela's left shoulder. She's still crying*

*2 minutes later, Lucy stops crying. She is delusional once again but this time, she says incomprehensible things*

Angela : Lucy what are you saying ?
Lucy : *incomprehensible*
Wesley : she's delusional?
Angela : completely. How long is it until we arrive?
Wesley : less than 5 minutes

*4 minutes later*

*They arrive at the hospital, Lucy is still delusional. Wesley carries her to the ER*

Angela : we need help please
Nurse : what's happening?
Angela : we think our friend has an infection
Nurse : lay her on this gurney, we'll bring you immediately to a box
Angela: can we come ?
Nurse : of course, I'll need you to explain me what happened

*They go to an examination room*

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