Chapter 17

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*1 am*

Lucy : *sobs curled up*
Tim : *wakes up, hears her, puts his hand on her shoulder and whispers* Lucy, Lucy, babe, what's happening ?
Lucy : *doesn't answer*
Tim : hey, it hurts ? Babe talk to me please, I'm worried
Lucy : *sobbing* it hurts a lot
Tim : where ?
Lucy : everywhere
Tim : what time is it ? *Looks at his alarm clock* I'm gonna get your meds

*Tim switches on the bedside lamp and goes get the meds*

Tim : can you straighten up ?
Lucy : *sits on the bed, helped by Tim*
Tim : *Caresses her cheek and kisses her forehead* here, take these
Lucy : *tries to grab the glass of water but shakes in pain*
Tim : hey let me help you

*Lucy takes her meds*

Tim : let me see your wound, if it's not infected. *He lifts Lucy's t-shirt and checks the wound, Lucy frowns* it's not infected but the area is very hot and inflamed. I'll go get something

*Tim goes to the kitchen and comes back to the bedroom with an ice pack and a towel*

Tim : lie down on your left side
Lucy : *does what Tim asks her to do, but it's hard because of the pain* mmmhhh ouch
Tim : now I'll lift your shirt and put the towel on your right side, where your wound is. *Does what he said*. Did I hurt you ?
Lucy : *nods no*
Tim : great, last thing I'll put the ice pack on the towel to anesthetize a little bit the area
Lucy : *frowns when Tim puts the ice pack on her*
Tim : is it too cold ?
Lucy : no it's okay thank you.

*Then, Tim takes Lucy wrists' bandages*

Tim : I'm gonna put some cream on your wrists, tell me if I hurt you
Lucy : okay

*Tim spreads the cream on Lucy's wrists. This relieves her pain and allows her to fall asleep while Tim slowly massages her wrists and redoes his bandages*

Tim : *after finishing the bandages, he pull the cover back on Lucy, switches off the light and whispers* it's gonna be okay, I love you.

*Tim spends the rest of the night watching over Lucy and changing her ice pack, he's worried and sees that she's not resting well because she's very agitated because of the pain. Sometimes he wonders if she's awake, but in doubt, to avoid waking her, he doesn't say anything*

Lucy : *opens her eyes and sees Tim awake* mmhh hi
Tim : hey babe, already awake
Lucy : is it time for the meds ?
Tim : it's been 6 hours since you took them, so yes
Lucy : can you give them to me please ?
Tim : ofc

*Lucy takes her meds*

Lucy : thank you
Tim : you're welcome, you should try to go back to sleep
Lucy : *returns to the same position she had before taking her meds and whispers half asleep* you should try to sleep too
Tim : *strokes Lucy's face* don't worry about me

*9 am*

*Knock knock knock. Tim hears someone knocking on the door*

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