Chapter 110

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*Next morning, Lucy's alarm goes off at 8 a.m.*

*Lucy turns off his alarm and turns to Tim*

Tim: *with a sleepy voice* Morning
Lucy: Sorry for waking you up, you could have slept a little longer, your alarm doesn't ring for 45 minutes
Tim: *Grins* don't worry
Lucy: You sure it's okay if I don't come with you to your rehab session?
Tim: yes it's okay, and I'm not going alone, Angela is accompanying me
Lucy: call me if you need anything
Tim: promise. Now go get ready, otherwise you'll be late
Lucy: Yes sir

*Lucy gets up and goes to make herself some breakfast in the kitchen. She also makes coffee for Tim. Bringing him into the bedroom, she notices that he has fallen back asleep. So she returns to place the cup on the kitchen counter.*

*At 8:30 a.m., Lucy goes to get her things in the bedroom*

Lucy: *kisses sleeping Tim's forehead and whispers* I love you, see you tonight

*Lucy leaves the apartment to go to work*

*15 minutes later, Tim wakes up. He goes to the kitchen and sees a cup of coffee and a little Post-It saying : "probably cold ! Have a good day with Angela. Love you"*

*Tim writes a text to Lucy*

*Tim and Lucy's texts*:
Tim: thanks for the coffee and the little note. Have a good day at work. I love you too ❤️
Lucy: thank you, see you tonight 💖😘

*Tim gets ready for his rehab session and waits for Angela*

*9:30 a.m. Angela arrives at Tim's apartment*

Angela: hello Tim, how are you?
Tim: fine and you ?
Angela: good. Ready to go shopping?
Tim: yep, but first...
Angela: your rehab session, I didn't forget don't worry
Tim: and after that, serious things begin
Angela: *laughs* let's go, you don't wanna be late. Plus, there're a lot of people on the road, some streets are closed due to roadworks

*Angela drives Tim to his rehab session. Everything goes as usual and after an hour of session, Tim finds Angela in the waiting room*

Tim: we can go, the session is over
Angela: great *as they walk to the car* how did it go?
Tim: as usual
Angela: Do you want us to go eat before starting serious things?
Tim: that would be great
Angela: We're going to eat at the mall, that way we don't have to change places afterwards to find the ring
Tim: that's an excellent idea

*They drive to the mall and eat at a Chinese restaurant*

*After lunch*

Angela: now, let's go to the most important part of our day : the ring. Do you have any idea what kind or ring you wanna get Lucy ?
Tim: I've been doing some research, and I think I have an idea. I want something classic, elegant, just like Lucy.
Angela: That sounds lovely. Have you looked at any rings yet?
Tim: Not yet. With everything that happened, I didn't have time. And I wanted to get your opinion. You have a good eye for these things.
Angela: Aw, thanks, Tim. I'd be happy to help, just like you helped me with my wedding dress. Let's go find the perfect ring for Lucy."

*The two friends head to the jewelry store, browsing through the various displays of rings*

Angela: Wow, Tim, there are so many beautiful rings here. Where do we even start?
Tim: I know, it's overwhelming. But I think I have an idea of what I'm looking for.
Angela: Okay, tell me what you're thinking.
Tim: I want something timeless, something that she can wear every day, even at work, and it will never go out of style.
Angela: That's a good place to start. Let's see what they have.

*They approach the counter, where a friendly sales associate greets them.*

Sales Associate: Hello, how can I help you today?
Tim: Hi, I'm looking for an engagement ring for my girlfriend.
Sales Associate: Congratulations! Do you have any specific style in mind?
Tim: I'm looking for something classic and elegant. Do you have any recommendations?
Sales Associate: Of course, we have a wide selection of classic styles. Let me show you some options.

*The sales associate brings out a few rings for Tim to look at, each one more beautiful than the last*

Angela: Oh, Tim, look at this one! It's stunning.
Tim: *examining the ring* Wow, that is beautiful. What do you think, Angela?
Angela: I think it's perfect. It's classic, elegant, just like you said. Lucy is going to love it.
Tim: I think you're right. Let's go with this one.
Sales Associate: Excellent choice! Would you like to have it engraved?
Tim: Yes, please. Can you engrave 'I love you Lucy'?"
Sales Associate: "Of course. I just need an hour to do that"
Tim: Thank you so much. This means a lot to me. We're coming back in an hour

*Tim and Angela find a bench in the mall*

Angela: I'm so happy for you, Tim. Lucy is going to be thrilled.
Tim: I hope so. I can't wait to see the look on her face when I ask her to marry me. I hope she'll say yes
Angela: I have no doubt

*An hour later, Tim and Angela go back to the jewelry*

Sales associate: I just finished the engraving on the ring. You wanna see ?
Tim: yes of course
Sales associate: here's the ring

 You wanna see ?Tim: yes of courseSales associate: here's the ring

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Tim: wow it's perfect, thank you very much.
Angela: This ring will fit perfectly with the necklace you gave her for your first Valentine's Day
Tim: absolutely

*Tim and Angela go back to Lucy and Tim's apartment*

Tim: *as Angela starts to leave the apartment* thank you very much Angela for coming with me
Angela: It was a pleasure. Hide the ring well while waiting to propose
Tim: It would be stupid if Lucy found her
Angela: yes it would. See you tomorrow Tim
Tim: bye Angela

*An hour after Angela leaves, Lucy comes home from work*

Lucy: hey Tim, how was your day with Angela?
Tim: great, we went to my rehab session and then we had lunch at a Chinese restaurant
Lucy: that's great
Tim: and you? You solved the case with Nyla?
Lucy: yes, the bad guy is in jail waiting for his trial
Tim: that was a good day for both of us

*Tim and Lucy enjoy their evening before going to bed*

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