Chapter 42

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*Angela kneels down next to Lucy. She puts her hand on Lucy's shoulder, still asleep*

Angela : *whispers* Lucy... Lucy wake up
Lucy : *Opens her tired eyes*
Angela : we bring you home
Lucy : *sits down rubbing her eyes*
Wesley : You feel better ?
Lucy : *nods no*
Angela : you'll be fine, don't worry

*They go to the car, Lucy has difficulty walking with her crutches, she almost falls with every step, Angela helps her*

*Wesley drives Angela and Lucy home*

*At the Evers's house*

Wesley : here we are
Lucy : why are we at your house ?
Angela : you can stay alone at your apartment for the moment
Lucy : no it's okay, I can, just bring me there
Angela : nope
Lucy : You already do a lot of things for me, I don't want to bother you at home too
Angela : it's okay Lucy, we have a guest room, we'll install you there
Lucy : thank you very much

*They enter the house*

Angela : come with me Lucy, I'll show you your room
Lucy : *she follows Angela*
Angela : *opens the guest room door* This is the room, it's not very big
Lucy : it's perfect, thank you very much
Angela : you should get some rest, Wesley will make dinner, we'll call you when it's ready
Lucy : okay thanks

*Lucy lies down on the bed. She doesn't feel good. She's dizzy, she tries to close her eyes to avoid that. She thinks about Tim, she wants to hear his voice but know that's impossible for now. She cries in silence and falls asleep*

*An hour later, she is woken up by Angela knocking at the door*

Angela : *through the door* Lucy, dinner's ready
Lucy : I'm coming

*She stands up, and slowly hops to the living room*

Wesley : you can sit wherever you want Lucy
Lucy : thank you for everything
Angela : don't thank us for everything, it's okay
Lucy : *nods*
Wesley : so tonight we eat lasagna, hope you like that
Lucy : yes

*During dinner*

Lucy : *stares into space, doesn't touch her food*
Angela : Lucy you okay ?
Lucy : *nods no*
Angela : what's the matter ? You look very pale
Lucy : I don't feel really good, I have a terrible headache
Wesley : you should go to sleep, you look exhausted
Lucy : *nods*

*She goes to bed*

*She lies in the bed, crying thinking about Tim. He is always there for her when she is sick, he takes care of her. She wishes Tim was there*

*15 minutes later, she falls asleep*

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