Chapter 6

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*In the helicopter*

First-aider : we still have 30min before arriving at the hospital. I need you Mister Bradford to let me check Mrs Chen's vitals.
Tim : yes ofc, go ahead, *he kisses Lucy on her forehead and step back*
First-aider : so Mrs Chen, on a scale from 1 to 10, how is your pain ?
Lucy : 15
First-aider : I'll put you an IV to give you some morphine and to rehydrate you, you're completely dehydrated. I'll also clean your wounds but I won't be able to see if the bullet went through you or if it's still inside your body, if it's close to your spine, it could paralyze you, so you'll have to wait 'til we are in the hospital to know.

*The first-aider puts Lucy on IV. Because of the morphine, she immediately falls asleep, which allows the first-aider to clean her wounds without hurting her.*

Tim : will she make it ?
First-aider : I'm sorry idk, I don't have the tools here to say that

*Arriving at the hospital*

First-aider : *to the nurses and doctors* white female, Lucy Chen, 29, kidnapped, multiple lacerations, shot, need a scan immediately.

*The hospital team rapidly takes Lucy to the ER, Tim isn't allowed to go with her, he goes to the waiting room*

*After 3 hours*

*A doctor is coming into the waiting room*

Doctor : is there someone for Lucy Chen ?
Tim: *was sleeping but wakes up super fast* Yes I am.
Doctor: you are ?
Tim: Tim Bradford, her boyfriend, how is she, can I see her ?
Doctor: you can't see her right now, she is in the OR. The scan revealed that she has a lot of internal bleeding. Plus, the bullet is super close to her spine, my team is doing everything they can to allow her to walk again. She has a head trauma and a broken foot. Last thing, she is completely dehydrated, one more hour in her state and she would be dead.
Tim : When will she come out of the OR?
Doctor: the surgery will last at least 5 more hours.

*Bip bip bip bip : the doctor's pager, he reads it*

Doctor: Mr Bradford, your gf is under cardiac arrest right now, you are her trusted person, according to her file. Do you think she would have wanted to be reanimated?
Tim : cardiac arrest ? Ofc she would have wanted to live, do CPR, *crying* please save her.

*The doctor runs to the OR*
*Tim sits, crying, in the waiting room*

(What do you think of the story for the moment ?)

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