Chapter 48

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*9 am*

*Grey comes to the hospital with Nyla just after roll call*

*At the front desk*

Grey : morning, we're here to see Lucy Chen, she has been admitted during the night
Nurse : let me check... Okay, room 331
Grey : thank you

*They knock on the door. No answer. They open the door*

Grey : *whispering to Nyla* oh everyone's asleep
Nyla : we should come back later, maybe in the afternoon
Grey : right

*They leave the room*

*11 am at the station*

Hunt (a police officer) : Harper, we got all the documents to question Dyer in prison
Harper : thank you Hunt, I'm going immediately to the prison. You wanna come ?
Hunt : no I'm sorry, I prefer to stay away from Rosalind, I don't know what she can do. I don't want to put my family in danger
Harper : don't worry Hunt, there's no problem, I'll go with Nolan
John : where do you wanna go with me ?
Harper : in jail
John : excuse me ?
Harper : I'm kidding Nolan, we have to go to the prison to question Rosalind about Stephen Romanoff and Tim
John : oh that makes more sense
Harper : You should have seen your face *laughing*
John: I don't think that's really funny
Nyla : come on let's go

*While at the hospital*

*Angela and Wesley wake up*

Angela : *sleepy voice* what time is it Wes ?
Wesley : *looks at his phone* 11:04
Angela : *hugging Wesley* hmm already
Wesley : Actually, we didn't fall asleep until 6:30
Angela : yeah right
Wesley : I'm going to get us a coffee
Angela : yeah thanks

*With John and Nyla*

Nyla : don't forget to leave your gun in the shop, you can't enter with it
John : yeup
Nyla : you ready to see Rosalind ?
John : well, we can't really be ready to see her, she's a sociopath
Nyla : last time she seemed to like you
John : It's not reciprocated
Nyla : ok, here we go

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