Chapter 8

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Tim : *sees Lucy lying in bed* why does she have oxygen in her nose ?
Doctor : to make sure she breathes correctly because of her cardiac arrest.

*Tim enters the room and sits in a chair next to Lucy*

Tim : *grabs Lucy's left hand* hey baby I'm right here. I won't leave you anymore *He has tears dropping from his eye*

*Tim lies his head on Lucy's bed and while holding her hand, he falls asleep*

*20 minutes later, Lucy wakes up, she passes her hand through his hair*

Tim : *wakes up* Lucy, I was so scared, how do you feel ?
Lucy : bad, it hurts everywhere.
Tim : I guess, do you want me to call a doctor ?
Lucy : No, I want you to stay with me. Lie next to me please.
Tim : No, I don't wanna hurt you more.
Lucy : it's okay I need you close please Tim. *She has a tear dropping from her eyes*
Tim : okay, I'm coming

*He lies down next to her, Lucy rests her head on Tim*

Tim : *whispers in her ear* I love you.

*He kisses her head and they both fall asleep*

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