Chapter 28

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Doctor : *after the exam* I'm sorry, he's not waking up, it was just a muscle spasm, this often happens with intubated patients. *He leaves the room*
Lucy : *sobbing* I thought he was waking up
Angela: he will

*Angela hugs Lucy tightly, she is crying*

Angela : don't worry Lucy. Let's go eat something in the cafeteria
Lucy : I... I wanna stay here
Angela : It would be nice if you got some fresh air, not for long
Lucy : I... I don't wanna be alone
Angela : I'm coming with you, okay ?
Lucy : okay
Angela : here, take your crunches

*In the hallway*

Angela : hey Lucy, look who is here
John : hey how are you ?
Lucy : John *hugs him*
Angela : we're going to the cafeteria, you wanna come Nolan ?
John : yes

*They go to the cafeteria*

Angela : Lucy, sit down with Nolan, I go grab something to eat and drink
John : thanks Lopez, come with me Lucy, let's go take a seat.

*They sit at a table*

John : you know Lucy, we miss you so much at the station. And of course we miss Tim too. You are such a cute couple, everyone at Mid-Wilshire loves Chenford
Lucy : Chenford ?
John : you're not aware ? Everyone calls you Chenford ?
Lucy : why ?
John : you know, the mix between Chen and Bradford. It could have been Timcy or Bradchen, or I have no idea what else, but Chenford is the best option
Lucy : but why did you guys named our couple ? *Laughing a bit*
Angela : *coming back with the food* they don't have enough work
Lucy : that should be the reason. But John, do you guys give a name to all the couples ?
Angela : of course they do, with Wesley, they call us Wopez
Lucy : oh that's cute Wopez, I like it. What is your name with Bailey, John ?
John : I don't know, I guess we don't have a name yet
Angela : *winks at Lucy* we'll find one
Lucy : *laughs*
Angela : so guys, I brought coffee and pancakes
John : yummy

*They eat and drink, talking and laughing, even Lucy is enjoying this moment. For a while, she forgets what is happening*

*1h30 later, they return to Tim's room*

Angela : *whispers to John* hey Nolan, thank you for helping me make Lucy laugh a little
John : I'm happy to help

*In the room, they see a doctor running some tests*

Lucy : wh... What's happening, is he okay ?
Doctor : don't worry, his condition hasn't changed, I just need to run some tests, along with the rest of the medical team we think we found your boyfriend's problem

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