Chapter 9

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*An hour later*

*Lucy wakes up because of the pain. She pages a doctor*

*He explains to her what she has and gives her more painkillers*

*As the doctor walks out of the room, Lucy sees Angela and Nyla at the door*

Lucy : *with a little smile* hey
Angela : Hi Lucy, how do you feel ?
Lucy : better with the painkillers
Nyla : Tim's sleeping
Lucy : yes, we both fell asleep an hour ago but the pain woke me up. I didn't wanna wake up Tim. How long was I kidnapped?
Nyla : a bit more than a week
Lucy : it seemed like a year. How was Tim ?
Angela : worried, he looked for you everyday. He didn't sleep.
Lucy : not at all ?
Angela : For a week he didn't close his eyes at all. Afterwards, Nyla and I forced him to sleep a little but he couldn't sleep more than 1 hour. He had a lot of nightmares.
Lucy : oh, I'm sorry for him.
Nyla : don't be, it's not your fault. He's sleeping now.
Lucy : yes, and I think I will too, the medicines are killing me.
Angela : you should get some rest, we'll leave you both and tell the rest of the team you're okay.
Lucy : *almost asleep on Tim* thank you.

*In the middle of the night, Lucy has a nightmare*

Lucy : No.... No don't.... Don't hurt me.... Please.... Ahhh.... No.... Help... Please help.... Tim.... Tim help me.... Noooooo....

*Tim wakes up, he sees Lucy having a nightmare*

Tim : hey Luce, you're okay, I'm here babe, wake up it's just a nightmare.
Lucy : *opens her eyes, she struggles* NOOO
Tim : sssshhh Lucy calm down you're gonna tear out your IV. You're safe, you're in the hospital. Lucy look at me

*She continues to struggle*

Tim : Babe it's me, Tim, look at me please
Lucy : *looks at Tim* Tim
Tim : yeah it's me you're fine
Lucy : *burst into tears*
Tim : *cuddles her* sssshhh, it's okay, you're safe

*They lie back, Tim puts Lucy head on his chest so that she can feel safe*

Lucy : *in tears* stay with me
Tim : *stroking the back of her head* I'm not going anywhere, you're stuck with me *he kisses her forehead.*
Lucy : I love you
Tim : I love you too. Now go back to sleep
Lucy : I'm scared of that nightmare Tim
Tim : it's okay, you're with me. The men are dead now, they can't do anything to you

*Lucy starts to fall asleep, Tim makes sure she's okay before sleeping too*

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