Chapter 69

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*Not long after Tim leaves, John and Bailey come knocking*

John : hello
Bailey : hi
Lucy : hey guys, how are you ?
John : we're okay, what about you ?
Lucy : I'm fine
John : Tim's not here ?
Lucy : no, he has his first rehab session
Bailey : already ?
Lucy : yes, you should have seen how motivated he was
John : I'm not even surprised, that's Tim
Bailey : I'm sure if it were up to him, he would have returned to work by now
Lucy : of course, that's all he wants, to get back to work. I already have trouble making him stay home for a day when he has the flu, so imagine now, several months at home

*They laugh and talk for about 30 minutes*

*Bip bip bip bip*

Lucy : what's that ?
Bailey : I'm sorry that's my pager, I'm on call and there's an emergency I have to go
John : I'm dropping you off, I gotta go to the station
Bailey : okay
John : bye Lucy, greet Tim from us
Lucy : will do, good luck
Bailey : thanks

*They leave the room, Lucy's now alone. She decided to switch on the TV. She browses through the channels and comes across a movie she decides to watch, luckily the film is just starting*

*Tim's point of view*

Conrad : okay Tim so, first of all, will work on your fine motor skills in your hands
Tim : Will I be able to eat alone again?
Conrad : thanks to the exercises that I am going to offer you, yes
Tim : great, how many sessions do you think I'll need to regain my abilities before the coma, doctor ?
Conrad : you can call me Conrad, we will spend a lot of time together
Tim : that means I'm not ready to run a marathon
Conrad : *laughs* no sorry, you'll have to wait more than a year for a marathon
Tim : and to go back to work ?
Conrad : well it depends what kind of work
Tim : I'm a sergent for the LAPD, at the Mid-Wilshire station
Conrad : do you patrol, do you go into the field ?
Tim : it depends, sometimes I do, sometimes I stay at the station to do some paperwork
Conrad : for the paperwork you'll probably be able to go back in 2 or 3 months but with adjusted hours. How many hours did you work before ?
Tim : around 10 hours a day
Conrad : when you start again you probably won't be able to do more than half that time. On the other hand, regarding the patrol, you will have to wait a little longer. The reason is simple, for paperwork, if you have difficulty moving around it doesn't matter, however it’s more difficult for the patrol. So you will resume smoothly. I think I have to explain to you how your return to work will go, now, as you seem in a hurry to return to work
Tim : yes please
Conrad : so, within 2 or 3 months, you will be able to resume the paperwork with adapted hours since you will not yet be able to walk normally. Then, within 5-6 months you will be able to patrol again but you will not be able to carry out any extraordinary interventions, the work will be limited to minor infractions and offenses, and you will be prohibited from running. Finally, within 8 to 10 months, you should be able to return to work normally. Obviously returning to work must be done step by step, there is no question of you working 10 hours a day at the beginning, nor even that you go from 5 hours to 10 hours of work overnight. We do everything step by step.
Tim : no problem
Conrad : and the deadlines are only provisional they can decrease or increase, everything will depend on your progress
Tim : I understand
Conrad : great, let's start the session then

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