Chapter 60

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*Next morning*

*Lucy wakes up, a few moments later, someone is knocking at the door. Tim has his head on Lucy's chest*

*Angela enters the room*

Angela : good morning
Lucy : hi
Angela : Tim's still sleeping
Lucy : yes, he didn't sleep well this night
Angela : oh no why ?
Lucy : his throat was very inflamed, it hurt him
Angela : fucking tube

*Lucy stares into space*

Angela : is there a problem ?
Lucy : sorry, I was thinking, I didn't tell Tim the doctors asked me if I wanted to unplug him, yet
Angela : It hasn't even been 24 hours since he regained consciousness, you'll tell him later, don't worry.
Lucy : I hope he won't be mad at me
Angela : how could he be ? He survived thanks to you
Lucy : He would't have wanted to live intubated
Angela : but he's not anymore, believe me, he'll be proud of you. He's always SO proud of you
Lucy : there is a first time for everything, even for a disappointement
Angela : I saw how he was looking at you yesterday, he was in love, he was so happy to be with you
Lucy : I love him so much
Angela : just as he does
Lucy : does Wesley have news about the trial ?
Angela : you're changing the subject *laughs* I don't think so, Wes didn't talk about it

*Angela looks at her phone*

Angela : sorry Lucy, I gotta go, Nyla needs me for an investigation
Lucy : good luck with your case, say hi to Harper for me
Angela : I'll come later, when Tim'll be awake

*She leaves the hospital to go to the station*

Tim : mmhh
Lucy : hey babe
Tim : *smiles*
Lucy : does your throat still hurt ?
Tim : *whispers* a little bit, but that's better. Can I have some water please ?
Lucy : of course

*She holds the glass of water while he drinks*

*A doctor enters the room*

Doctor : hello Mr. Bradford, how do you feel today ?
Tim : *whispers* not that bad. Could be worse, but I can't even hold a glass of water, my hands shake and I have no more strength
Doctor : that's completely normal, it's because of the long time you spent on life support. You'll have to follow rehabilitation sessions
Tim : *exhales*
Doctor : can I look into your mouth ? A nurse told me your throat hurt this night
Tim : *nods, opens his mouth*
Doctor : *looks into Tim's mouth* that's much better than yesterday, tomorrow or in two days, you'll be able to talk normally
Tim : thanks

*The doctor gets out of the room*

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