Chapter 95

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*As the car glides smoothly along the road, Wesley focuses on the traffic while Angela chimes in from the passenger seat*

Angela: You know Lucy, I remember when it was John, Jackson and your first day as a police officer. And before you two were together, Grey assigned you Tim as TO

*Lucy nods, a fond smile playing on her lips as she recalls those early days*

Lucy: Yeah, it wasn't easy at first. I remember the first day vividly, struggling to adapt to Tim's teaching methods. *To Tim* At first, I didn't like you

*Tim chuckles softly, a reminiscent glint in his eyes*

Tim: I may have been a bit tough on you. But you caught on quickly. I was tough for you, so that you are used to being strict with people

Lucy: I did understand that. I never thought I'd be in love with you. But when Tim got shot on my first day as his rookie, I realized how much I cared about him.

*Tim's expression softens as he reaches for Lucy's hand*

Tim: It took me a bit longer to figure it out. But one day, when Lucy was facing danger head-on, I knew I couldn't imagine my life without her.

*Their eyes meet, a silent understanding passing between them, reaffirming the depth of their connection. In that moment, as they journey towards the station, memories flood back, intertwining with the present*

Angela: It's amazing how far you two have come since then. From colleagues to partners, you've been through it all.

Wesley: Yeah, I remember those early days. You two always had each other's backs, no matter what.

Tim: We've been through a lot together. But every moment has brought us closer.

Lucy: Absolutely. And I wouldn't change a thing.

*Their conversation drifts, weaving through the fabric of their shared history, each anecdote and memory adding depth to their bond. They recount the challenges they faced, the triumphs they celebrated, and the moments of laughter and love that defined their journey together*

Angela: You two are an inspiration, you know. The way you support each other through thick and thin.

Wesley: Yeah, it's like you were always meant to be together.

Tim: I like to think so. Lucy's been my rock, my guiding light through it all.

Lucy: And Tim's been my strength, my unwavering support. I couldn't have asked for a better partner

Tim : But you and Angela and Wesley weren't any better than us at first. I remember when you met you couldn't see each other without arguing

Angela : oh yeah that's right

Wesley : *laughs* I don't really know how we went from enemies to partners

Angela : It happened very quickly

*Everyone laughs*

Tim : I guess that's what true love is

Wesley : okay guys, here we are, ready to enter the station ?

Tim : let's go

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