Chapter 61

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Lucy : Tim
Tim : mmhh
Lucy : can I tell you something that happened when you were in the coma
Tim : *whispers* yes
Lucy : I'm sorry in advance
Tim : why are you sorry, don't scare me
Lucy : Before you worry, I didn't cheat on you, even if I had wanted to I couldn't have because I thought about you all day long, and because I love you I could never do that to you
Tim : *smiles* so what is it ?
Lucy : As you indicated in your medical file that I was your trusted person, whenever decisions had to be made concerning you, the doctors asked me what I thought was best. A month ago, so 2 months after you fell into a coma, as the doctors couldn't find any lungs for you, they asked me if I wanted to unplug you. I knew very well that you wouldn't have wanted to live like that, hooked up to a machine, but I couldn't authorize the doctor to unplug you. *she stops*

*Tim looks at her. She has her eyes filled with water and tears are rolling over her cheeks. Tim kisses her on the cheek and whispers* it's okay

Lucy : *continues* Deep down I knew you would wake up, and in the end I did the right thing by asking the doctor not to unplug you. But I blame myself, because it was a selfish decision, I thought about what I would have done without you and the fact that I would have had your death on my conscience all my life. Often I tell myself that I should have thought about your well-being, now because of me you are going to have long months of rehabilitation, you will not be able to return to work straight away and... *She cries*
Tim : *hugs her, whispers* sssshhh don't cry Lucy, I don't blame you, I'm proud of you my love, I don't even know if I would have been able to survive in this kind of situation.
Lucy : Luckily Angela and Wesley were there
Tim : it's over now, now that we've hit rock bottom, we can only get back on our feet, figuratively and literally since I have to relearn how to walk according to the doctor *laughs*
Lucy : *smiles, wipes away her tears* I'm relieved that you're not mad at me, I don't know what I would have done if you didn't want to see me anymore because you would have preferred that I unplug you.
Tim : I'm glad to be awake and to have you with me
Lucy : *kisses him on the lips*
Tim : *kisses back* wanna watch a movie ?
Lucy : what do you wanna watch ?
Tim : Dune Part. 2 ?
Lucy : *laughs* but we barely saw the first one, we fell asleep
Tim : Yes but before I was in a coma I saw the trailer for Dune 2, it seemed amazing, has it been released since?
Lucy : Yes, not long after
Tim : So we should be able to find it on streaming, before its release, reviews were very positive
Lucy : okay let's watch it

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