Chapter 18

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*Tim gets out of bed without waking Lucy up and goes to open the door, still in his pj's*

*He sees Angela*

Tim : hey Angela, how are u ?
Angela : I'm fine, I wanted to pass before going to work, you, how are you ?
Tim : a bit tired but that's nothing. Do you want a coffee ?
Angela : yes why not

*Angela enters the apartment. Tim and her go to the kitchen*

Angela : how is Lucy ?
Tim : *gives her a coffee* not very well
Angela : really ? But she seemed fine yesterday
Tim : yes because the hospital meds were still working. She slept very poorly because of the pain. She cried all night and I can't do anything to stop that
Angela : be patient, the pain'll go
Tim : yes but now she's going through hell and I can't do anything, if only I could take her pain.
Angela : just be there for her and it'll be a bit easier for her
Tim : that's what I'm doing
Angela : *notices that Tim is staring into space* hey Tim
Tim : *looks at Angela* yeah ?
Angela : did you sleep this night ?
Tim : no
Angela : not at all ?
Tim : not at all. I was too worried about Lucy, I couldn't close my eyes.
Angela : Tim, if you don't sleep, you won't be able to be there for Lucy, you'll be too tired. You must try to sleep at least when she's sleeping
Tim : yeah I know but...
Angela : she's sleeping now, right ?
Tim : yes
Angela : so I want you to go back in bed and sleep, at least a couple hours
Tim : okay
Angela : I have to go
Tim : be safe
Angela : *hugs Tim* Go to sleep

*Angela leaves and Tim goes to bed. He changes Lucy's ice pack and lies down next to her, holding one of her hand*

*10 minutes later Tim's asleep*

*At the station after roll call*

Grey : hey Lopez
Angela : yep
Grey : did you see Tim and Lucy this morning ?
Angela : yes why ?
Grey : how are they ?
Angela : could be better. When I passed, only Tim was awake, he was so tired
Grey : he didn't sleep ?
Angela : no, Lucy was in pain, he was too worried. I told him that he has to sleep if he wants to take care of Lucy
Grey : you forced him to go to sleep?
Angela : absolutely, but I have no idea if he listened to me

*At Tim and Lucy's*

*They are both sleeping but Lucy has a nightmare*

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