Chapter 76

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Lucy : see, I knew that Conrad would agree to cancel today's session
Tim : yes. I'm sorry I fell asleep while cuddling with you
Lucy : it's okay, that's what I wanted
Tim : wait you wanted me to sleep ?
Lucy : yes because you are tired
Tim : *smiles* I think I'm gonna sleep a bit again, I'm still tired
Lucy : you should

*Tim lowers his bed, lies on his right side (so he is turned towards Lucy). Lucy caresses his face and kisses his forehead as he falls asleep*

*3 hours later, at the end of the day*

*Tim is awake and is watching tv with Lucy*

*Knock knock knock*

Tim : come in
Grey : hello you two
Tim : Grey, how are you ?
Grey : I'm fine, what about you
Tim : I'm okay
Grey : and you Chen ?
Lucy : I'm good too
Tim : what are you doing here ?
Grey : Aaron injured a man during his arrest, I had to get his statement, I thought it was an opportunity to come see you
Lucy : we're glad to see you
Grey : me too
Tim : how are things going at the station?
Grey : nothing serious at the moment, apart from your affair with Rosalind
Tim : Wesley told us you will testify
Grey : yes. Will you be present on the day of the trial?
Tim : we don't know, we would like to but it will depend on the doctors. We hope they will give us permission to go out just to go to the Court and come back right after
Lucy : we haven't asked yet if it will be possible, we have to do it

*30 minutes later*

Grey : well guys, I'm sorry I gotta go, Luna waits me for dinner
Tim : bye Sarge, say hello to Luna for us
Grey : will do, see you soon
Lucy : bye

*Grey leaves the room*

*10 minutes later*

Doctor : hello Mister Bradford, I'm here to check on you, how do you feel ?
Tim : not that bad
Doctor : your vitals are good it's great
Tim : can we ask you something doc ?
Doctor : of course
Tim : The trial of the person who attacked us takes place next week, do you think we can attend it? We should testify
Doctor : you are not yet ready to leave the hospital permanently, however you will be able to leave in the morning and return in the evening
Tim : really ?
Doctor: yes of course, on the other hand you will have to choose trusted people with whom you will have to stay all day
Tim : that's perfect thank you doc
Doctor : no problem, have a good evening
Tim : bye

*The doctor leaves the room*

Tim : I'll call Angela and Wesley to know if they can be our trusted persons
Lucy : okay
Tim : *videocalls Angela* hey Angela
Angela : hi Tim how are you ?
Tim : we're okay, we wanted to ask you something
Angela : tell me
Tim : the doctor allowed us to leave the hospital on the day of the trial, on the condition that we are with trusted people all day, you and Wesley agree to be our trusted people ?
Angela : *without hesitation* yes of course Tim
Lucy : *laughs* you haven't even asked Wesley
Wesley : I'm here hi, and I agree too of course, it's good that you can attend the hearing
Lucy : Angela, the day before can you go to our house to pick up a decent outfit for us please ?
Angela : yes no problem
Lucy : do you still have our key ?
Angela : yep, on my key ring
Lucy : thank you
Angela : you're welcome

*A nurse enters the room with Tim and Lucy's meal*

Tim : we're sorry, we gotta hang out, time for dinner
Angela : no problem bye
Wesley : enjoy your meal
Lucy : thanks again, see ya
Tim : bye *hangs out*

*They eat their dinner and go to sleep*

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