Chapter 55

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*Lucy bursts into tears*

Lucy : I don't want you to take him off life support, please, we need to wait for a transplant
Doctor: we can still wait, don't worry, we won't unplug him now if you don't give your agreement
Lucy : he's strong, he'll make it
Doctor : do you need to be alone ?
Lucy : *nods*
Doctor : Do you want me to ask your friends to come back?
Lucy : not yet

*The doctor leaves the room, he meets Angela and Wesley in the hallway*

Angela : Can we go back to Lucy?
Doctor : not yet, she said she needs some time alone
Angela : oh okay, will wait then
Wesley : *to Angela* what do you think happened ?
Angela : I have no idea

*In the room*

*Lucy has her head on Tim's chest. She is crying*

Lucy : I'm sorry Tim, I don't have the courage to let you go. I know you wouldn't have wanted to live in these conditions but it's too hard, I can't make the decision to unplug you. I love you, I can't do this. Deep down I know that you are still fighting, that you are doing everything you can to wake up, and I believe in you, I know that you can do it, and I will be there when you wake up, I promise. The doctors are not optimistic but I wanna believe that you will wake up or that you will have this lung transplant. You are stronger than anyone, you are my Tim Bradford, my TO, the man I loved from day one but didn't want to confess. You were always there for me in the hardest times. Even when Chris and Caleb kidnapped me, I knew I'd see you again. Except now you're in this state because of me. Rosalind went after you because Chris and Caleb didn't kill me. I'm so sorry, If only I could take your place. I just want you to be okay. I don't think you would have wanted to continue living connected to a machine, you would have preferred that I let you go. Maybe you are suffering and you have no way to tell me and I continue to make you suffer. But I'm really sorry Tim, I couldn't live with the idea of ​​your death on my conscience. If I accept that the doctor unplugs you, it's like I'm killing you and I won't be able to live with that. I love you Tim, I hope you understand my decision.

*She lies on her bed with her head on Tim's chest, crying for a long time before falling asleep*

*Angela enters she sees Lucy's been crying*

Angela : Wes, you should go home, I'll stay a bit longer to talk to Lucy
Wesley : okay, see you later.

*Angela sits on the couch and waits 'til Lucy wakes up*

*1 hour later*

Lucy : *opens her eyes*
Angela : hey Lucy, why were you crying ?
Lucy : the doctor asked me if I wanted to unplug Tim, but I can't do that, I know there is still hope, he still can recover
Angela : follow your instinct Lucy and everything's gonna be fine
Lucy : thank you for being there Angela
Angela : that's what friends do

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