Chapter 107

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*8 a.m. next morning*

Tim: *yawns as he shuts off the alarm* Well, it's been a while since we've had to wake up to this sound.

Lucy: *rubbing her eyes and turns on her side to face Tim* Tell me about it. Feels strange to be setting an alarm for work again.

Tim: *stretching* But a good kind of strange, right?

Lucy: *smiles* Definitely. I've missed the routine, the sense of purpose.

Tim: *nods in agreement* Me too. Alright, let's not keep the station waiting *he kisses Lucy*

Lucy: *kisses him back* it's going to be quite a surprise for the team

Tim: It will be fun to surprise them

*They get up to go have breakfast*

Tim: *as they sit down for breakfast* So, any nerves about today?

Lucy: *chuckles nervously* Maybe a few. It's been a while since we've been in the thick of things.

Tim: *reassuringly* We'll ease back into it, just like everything else.

Lucy: *smiles gratefully* Thanks, Tim. I think I needed to hear that.

*They finish their breakfast and get ready*

Lucy: *ready to go* Are you taking both crutches or just one today?

Tim: I'm only going to take one today, I feel good

*Lucy drives to Mid-Wilshire*

Tim: *as they arrive at the station* Feels strange to be back here, doesn't it?

Lucy: *nods* Yeah, but in a good way. Like coming home after a long journey.

Tim: *offers a smile* I like the sound of that.

*As they arrive at 9 a.m., they notice everyone is in roll call room*

Lucy: We should go wait for Grey in his office

Tim: No come on, let's go into the room, that way we surprise them all at once

Lucy: Okay

*They walk discreetly towards the roll call room, trying not to be noticed since the walls are glass*

*Tim opens the door. Gray is ready to anger the agents who arrive late until he notices it's Tim and Lucy*

Grey : *in a surprised tone* Tim, Lucy, what are you two doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at home ?

*Everyone turn around to face Tim and Lucy*

Tim: we're finally coming back, Sarge

Grey: coming back to work?

Lucy: absolutely

Tim: we're clear to come back but we still need to talk to you after roll call

Grey: yeah no problem, welcome back

*Everyone applaudes*

*Tim and Lucy sit next to Angela and Nyla*

*At the end*

Grey: okay guys, you can go, be safe out there

Angela: *to Tim and Lucy* How long have you known you can return to work?

Lucy: yesterday

Angela: Why didn't you warn us? You didn't even warn ME

Tim: we wanted to surprise you

Nyla: If you had warned us we could have prepared a little something

Lucy: That's also why we didn't tell you anything, Tim wouldn't have been against it but I'm not very comfortable with that

Angela: going back to patrol Tim?

Tim: nope, not yet unfortunately, as you can see, I still need a crutch

Angela: and you Lucy ?

Lucy: I have no medical contraindications but I don't feel ready yet, I prefer to resume slowly, I don't want to relive what I experienced several months ago during an intervention with Aaron

Nyla: You're right, you have to start again at your own pace.

*Grey was talking to an officer and now approaches Tim and Lucy*

Grey: so Tim, Lucy, you wanted to talk to me

Tim: yes sir

Grey: let's go have this conversation in my office

*They sit in the Sergeant's office*

Grey: how are you first ?

Tim: we're pretty good sir

Grey: that's good

Tim: *smiles* And we're back, Sergeant.

Lucy: But with a few conditions, as discussed with Tim's physiotherapist

Grey: *raises an eyebrow* Conditions? What kind of conditions?

Tim: *explains* Well, first, we need to stay at the station. No patrol duty for us, at least for now.

Grey: that means administrative work, interrogations, and you can help the detectives by staying at the station

Tim: absolutely

Lucy: *adds* And we'll need to adjust our hours, take regular breaks. We can't work for 12 hours like we are used to unfortunately. And that's what may bother you

Grey: *nods thoughtfully* I see. And don't worry, that shouldn't be a problem. We'll make it work. What I can offer you, it is to considerably shorten your shifts. You start by working from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. with a break from 12 a.m. to 2 p.m. And gradually we will increase these hours so that you return to your usual hours. What do you think ?

Lucy: that's perfect sir

Tim: I still have one last condition imposed by my physiotherapist

Grey : I'm listening

Tim: Twice a week I have to go to my rehabilitation sessions, and since I can't drive at the moment, Lucy has to take me there. And these sessions will certainly take place during our working hours, we have not managed to do otherwise

Grey: there's absolutely no problem, health before anything else

Grey: *after discussing their coming back* Alright, Tim, Lucy, you're officially back on the team. Welcome back.

Tim: *extends a hand* Thank you, Sergeant. It feels good to be back.

Lucy: *smiles* Agreed. We're ready to hit the ground running. And thank you very much for being so comprehensive and adapting our working conditions

Grey: *returns the handshake* I'm glad to hear it. And remember, if you ever need anything, my door is always open. Do not hesitate to come and talk to me

Tim: *gratefully* We appreciate that, sir. Thanks.

Tim: *as they leave the office* Well, that went better than expected.

Lucy: *smirks* I'd say so. Looks like we're officially back in business.

Tim: yes, let's go get changed into our uniforms

Lucy: We meet again after leaving the locker room

Tim: yes, see ya

*Lucy goes to the women locker room, and Tim to the men locker room*

Tim: *in his mind as he opens his locker* I can finally put my police outfit back on, it's been so long

Lucy: *in her mind as she opens her lockers* I hope everything goes well. I hope Tim won't want to push too hard on work and that he'll tell me if he's not doing well

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