Chapter 116

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*Several months later*

*On the morning of July 26th, the sun rises brightly over Los Angeles, casting a golden glow across the city. It's a perfect summer day, ideal for Tim and Lucy's wedding. The Griffith Observatory, the chosen venue, stood majestically, overlooking the sprawling cityscape, ready to host the couple's special day.

*Lucy’s point of view*

*Inside a cozy bridal suite at a nearby boutique hotel, Lucy is surrounded by a flurry of activity. The room is filled with the soft hum of excitement and the scent of fresh flowers. Angela and Nyla, her wedding witnesses, bustle around her, each ensuring every detail is perfect.*

*Lucy sit at a vanity, her reflection glowing with happiness. Her hair is styled in loose, elegant waves, and her makeup artist is applying the final touches. A delicate tiara and a pair of pearl earrings completed her look, enhancing her natural beauty.*

Angela: *holding up a bouquet of white roses with gold accents* Lucy, these are stunning. They match your theme perfectly.

Lucy: *smiling at her friends through the mirror* I still can't believe today's the day. It feels surreal.

Nyla: *straightening Lucy's veil* It's real, Lucy. And you look absolutely breathtaking. Tim's going to be speechless.

Angela: *laughing* Tim? Speechless? That's something I'd like to see.

Lucy: *giggling* I hope so. I want everything to be perfect.

Angela: *squeezing Lucy's shoulder reassuringly* It will be. You've planned this day down to the last detail. Now, it's time to enjoy it. And it can't be worse than my wedding day

Lucy: I think it's best not to remember it, at least not today

Nyla: *she tries to change the subject, she holds up a pair of sparkling wedding shoes* Don't forget your shoes! Ready to step into your future, Mrs. Bradford?

Lucy: *nodding, her eyes misting over with emotion* Absolutely. I can't wait to walk down that aisle.

*As Lucy stand, Angela and Nyla help her into her wedding gown. The dress is a masterpiece of ivory satin and lace, with a fitted bodice and a flowing skirt that shimmers with every movement. The back is adorned with delicate buttons, and the train trails elegantly behind her.

Angela: *taking a step back to admire Lucy* You look like a princess.

Nyla: *smiling warmly* Tim's going to lose it when he sees you.

Lucy: *blushing* Thank you, both of you. For everything. I couldn't have done this without you.

Angela: *hugging Lucy tightly* That's what friends are for. Now, let's get you to the observatory.

*With a final look in the mirror, Lucy takes a deep breath, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. She is ready to marry the love of her life.*

*Tim’s point of view*

*Meanwhile, across town, Tim is in his own whirlwind of wedding preparations. He is in a suite at a different hotel, with Wesley, his best man, and Sergeant Grey by his side. The atmosphere is equally charged with excitement, though a bit more subdued compared to the bridal suite.*

*Tim stands in front of a full-length mirror, adjusting his black tuxedo. The suit is tailored perfectly, emphasizing his strong build. His hair is neatly combed, and he has a look of quiet determination in his eyes.*

Wesley: *straightening Tim's bow tie* How are you feeling, man? Ready to make Lucy the happiest woman alive?

Tim: *smiling slightly* Nervous, but yeah. I've never been more ready for anything in my life.

Grey: *sitting on a nearby chair, observing* You've got this, Bradford. Today is going to be perfect.

Tim: *taking a deep breath* Thanks, Grey. That means a lot. And thank you very much for agreeing to officiate the wedding

Grey: *smiling* that's my pleasure, son

Wesley: *handing Tim a small box* Here. I got you something.

Tim: *opening the box to find a pair of cufflinks with the initials 'T & L' engraved* Wesley, these are great. Thank you.

Wesley: *smiling* It's a small token. You've got this, Tim. You're marrying an incredible woman.

Tim: *nodding* I know. I'm the luckiest guy in the world.

*As Tim puts on the cufflinks, Grey stands and approaches him, placing a firm hand on his shoulder.*

Grey: I wanted to tell you, Bradford. It’s been an honor watching you grow into the man you are today. Lucy's a wonderful woman, and you two make a great team. I'm proud of you.

Tim: *feeling a lump form in his throat* Thank you, Grey. That means a lot coming from you. And it’s also thanks to you that I'm getting married today. Well yes, if you hadn't assigned Lucy to me as a rookie, we might not be here today.

Grey: Glad I have made the right choice

Wesley: *trying to lighten the mood* Alright, enough with the mushy stuff. We've got a wedding to get to.

Tim: *chuckling* You're right. Let's do this.

*With their final preparations complete, Tim, Wesley, and Grey make their way to the observatory. As they approach, Tim can't help but feel a rush of anticipation. He is about to marry the love of his life, and nothing could make this day any better.*

*Lucy's point of view*

*Back at the bridal suite, Lucy takes one last look in the mirror, ensuring every detail is perfect. Her heart races with excitement as Angela and Nyla fuss over her dress and veil.*

Angela: *handing Lucy her bouquet* Ready to become Mrs. Bradford?

Lucy: *smiling brightly* More than ready.

Nyla: *opening the door* The car is here. Let's get you to the observatory.

*As they make their way to the car, Lucy feels a wave of emotion wash over her. She is surrounded by love and support, and she knows that today is going to be everything she had dreamed of and more.*

*Tim's point of view*

*At the observatory, Tim stands with Wesley and Grey, watching as guests begin to arrive. The outdoor venue is beautifully decorated, with white and gold flowers adorning the ceremony space. The view of Los Angeles in the background is breathtaking, just as they had envisioned.*

Wesley: *noticing Tim’s anxious look* You good, man?

Tim: *nodding, taking a deep breath* Yeah. Just can’t wait to see Lucy.

Grey: *patting Tim on the back* It’s almost time. You ready?

Tim: *smiling, a sense of calm washing over him* More than ever.

*Lucy's point of view*

*Lucy’s car pulls up to the observatory, and Angela and Nyla help her out, careful not to disturb her dress. She takes a deep breath, feeling the excitement build as they walk towards the ceremony space.*

Angela: *whispering* You look stunning, Lucy. Tim’s going to be blown away.

Nyla: *smiling* This is it. Ready to walk down the aisle?

Lucy: *her heart pounding with anticipation* Ready!

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