Chapter 64

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*Tim and Lucy spend the rest of the evening enjoying the good news before falling asleep*

*Next morning, Tim wakes up before Lucy. He watches her sleep on his chest with loving eyes*

*15 minutes later, Lucy wakes up*

Lucy : mmhh Tim ?
Tim : *with a normal voice* yes ?
Lucy : were you watching me sleep ?
Tim : I wasn't, I was admiring you, you're so beautiful even you sleep. How are you today ?
Lucy : fine. But Tim ?
Tim : yeah ?
Lucy : *sits down facing him* you're not whispering anymore, you're talking with a normal voice
Tim : oh yes you're right, I didn't notice, my throat doesn't hurt anymore
Lucy : so much good news in just a couple days
Tim : *straightens the back of his bed* yes, hope it'll continue like that
Lucy : of course it will
Tim : *kisses Lucy*
Lucy : *steps back* hey wait, I haven't even brushed my teeth yet
Tim : me neither, I don't care, do you ?
Lucy : absolutely not

*They kiss for a long time, until Angela enters the room with Wesley*

Angela : whoa so much love and happiness in this small room, I like that
Lucy : *chuckles*
Angela : how are you guys today ?
Tim : good, we slept all night without waking up once
Angela : that's great, but wait, Tim ? You're not whispering anymore ?
Tim : no, my throat fine
Angela : another good news in less than 24h
Tim : it's nice to be able to talk again without being in pain
Wesley : we're so happy for you Tim, but I am sorry, I have a pretty bad news concerning your trial
Tim : the court decided to cancel it?
Wesley : no no, fortunately it's not canceled. If that had been the case I would have made things happen. Your audience has been delayed again
Tim : for how long?
Wesley : one month, which means that it'd take place in 2 months
Tim : This will give me time to recover a little.
Wesley : I'm glad you're taking the news well
Tim : There's not much we can do except put things into perspective
Angela : what a philosopher

*Everyone laugh*

Lucy : but Wesley ?
Wesley : yes ?
Lucy : Rosalind will stay in prison while awaiting trial?
Wesley : of course, letting her out represents a risk for the entire population
Lucy : that's what I thought
Angela : I'm sorry guys, I have to leave you, I have a investigation to be clarified with Nyla today
Wesley : I gotta go too, I am expected in court for a client
Tim : good luck, hope you'll win
Wesley : thanks
Angela : have a good day lovebirds
Lucy : bye

*They leave the hospital to go to work*

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