Chapter 66

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*A week later*

*In the morning, Tim looks sad, Lucy notices*

Lucy : Tim, are you okay ?
Tim : *no answer*
Lucy : hey babe, do you hear me
Tim : *realizes Lucy is talking to him* hmm
Lucy : are you okay ?
Tim : yes
Lucy : you look sad, what's the problem? You know you can tell me everything
Tim : I'm tired of staying locked in this room. I've been better for 2 weeks and I haven't moved from this bed, I want to see something other than the walls of this room
Lucy : but Tim, you can't walk, not even stand on your feet
Tim : yes I know, but I could use a wheelchair, I want to breathe some fresh air

*A nurse enters*

Nurse : good morning, everything is fine ?
Lucy : no
Nurse : what's the problem?
Lucy : Would it be possible for Tim to take a walk out of the room?
Nurse : but he can't walk
Lucy : give us a wheelchair, I will help him
Nurse : I'll talk with his doctor to know if that's okay
Lucy : thank you
Tim : I hope the doctor will agree, I really want to see something else than this room
Lucy : we should know soon

*15 minutes later*

*Tim's doctor enters the room*

Doctor : good morning Mr. Bradford, how are you ?
Tim : pretty good today
Doctor : so, a nurse told me that you want to get out of the room for a bit
Tim : yes, it's been 2 weeks since I woke up and I couldn't move out of this bed, I wanna see something else than this room
Doctor : I accept on several conditions
Tim : *happy* anything you want Doc
Doctor : first, you must use a wheelchair
Tim : that's normal
Doctor : you must keep your IV, you still need the meds, it'll be attached to the wheelchair
Tim : of course
Doctor : you can't be alone, someone has to be with you all the time
Lucy : I will
Doctor: great. You can move around the hospital or go outside, staying within the hospital grounds.  You cannot go out for more than 2 hours.
Tim : no problem. What else ?
Doctor: that's it, that's enough rules
Tim : thank you so much doctor
Doctor: you're welcome, the fact that you want to come out is proof that you are moving forward in the healing process. Talking about the healing process, do you feel ready to start rehab?
Tim : yes, of course, I can't wait to start walking again
Doctor: I'll talk with Conrad, your therapist to know when he wanna start, but that's should be by the end of the week or beginning of next week
Tim : *relieved* finally
Doctor: but for that, you have to eat and drink normally because you won't be able to have an IV, you'll take the meds normally
Tim : I'll do that
Doctor : great, I gotta go, I ask a nurse to bring you the wheelchair and help you get ready. Oh and don't forget to wear a jacket
Tim : okay, thank you so much doctor

*The doctor leaves*

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