Chapter 68

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*They lay in the grass talking for an hour until they hear a familiar voice*

Angela : Tim, Lucy ?

*They sit down*

Tim : hey Angela, how are you ?
Angela : I'm fine, I'm not asking you the question, you look in good shape
Tim : I can finally get some fresh air, I was tired of being locked up in my room. And I'll start the rehab sessions soon
Angela : that's awesome. If you continue at this pace, in 3 months you will return to work *laughs*
Tim : I wish it happened like that, but i have some serious doubt
Angela : take your time Tim, you're not in a hurry
Tim : Yes I know but I can't wait to get back to work
Angela : that's the Tim Bradford I know

*Everyone laugh*

Lucy : We've been outside for 2 hours, we should go back otherwise the doctor won't let you out anytime soon
Tim : It’s already been 2 hours! You're right, we'll have to go back

*The rest of the week goes well, Tim eats normally again but always with the help of Lucy because he has not yet completely regained fine motor skills in his hands. He's more and more motivated*

*By the end of the week*

*Someone knocks at the door*

Tim : yes
Conrad : hello Mister Bradford, I'm Conrad, your physiotherapist
Tim : nice to meet you, you can call me Tim
Conrad : how are you Tim ?
Tim : ready to start the rehabilitation sessions
Conrad : you look impatient
Tim : I can't wait to be able to walk again
Conrad : It starts well, patients who are optimistic and motivated heal faster
Lucy : you can't be more motivated than Tim
Tim : she's right

*They laugh*

Conrad : are you ready to go to the rehab center ?
Tim : yep
Conrad : first, I'll take off your IV. I'm sorry but that might hurt a bit

*While Conrad is taking off the IV, Lucy notices that Tim is frowning. So, she takes his right hand. Tim turns his head towards her and smiles. As Conrad strains to remove the IV, Tim squeezes Lucy's hand*

Conrad : okay, the IV's out. Did it hurt ?
Tim : yes, but hopefully Lucy was there
Conrad : I'm sorry
Tim : that's not your fault
Conrad : ready to go ?
Tim : yep
Conrad : great, let's go

*Conrad helps Tim into the wheelchair*

Lucy : can I come ?
Conrad : no I'm sorry, physiotherapy sessions are done individually
Lucy : but when I had my physiotherapy sessions, Angela came sometimes
Conrad : This was an exception, you were having trouble walking again due to all the circumstances, so it was for the sake of your recovery
Lucy : oh okay, I'll stay there then
Tim : I'll see in a moment
Conrad : don't worry, the sessions aren't long, they last between 30 and 40 minutes

*Lucy stands up to kiss Tim before he leaves the room*

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