Chapter 77

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*A week later, it's the day before the trial. Tim resumed his rehabilitation sessions with Conrad*

*Angela and Wesley enter the room at the end of the afternoon*

Angela : hi
Lucy : hey guys, you're lucky, Tim just came back from his rehabilitation session
Wesley : how do you feel about tomorrow ?
Lucy : anxious
Wesley : that's normal
Angela : we came to your house to get you some clothes. Lucy I got you a navy blue dress *shows her*
Lucy : perfect thanks
Angela : and Tim, Wesley got you a suit *shows him*
Tim : very good, thank you
Wesley : all papers for your temporary release from hospital are in order
Lucy : you took care of it ?
Angela : absolutely
Lucy : that's so kind thank you
Angela : that's normal, so, you're allowed to go to the Court and to our house to eat during the lunch break
Tim : hold on, don't we have to stay in Court all day long ?
Wesley : we have negotiated so that you can stay in a quiet place at lunchtime and during the deliberations which can be long, especially during this kind of trial. As our house is closer to the court, we thought that it was better that you come to our house rather than going to your apartment
Lucy : you are awesome
Tim : what time is the trial tomorrow?
Wesley : It was supposed to start at 8 a.m. but I told the judges that it'd be too early for you, you need to sleep, you can't wake up at 6 a.m., so I managed to move it to 10:30 a.m.
Tim : thank you Wesley, you are an excellent lawyer
Wesley : *laughs* will see that tomorrow
Angela : We're going to let you rest so that you'll be in good shape tomorrow. I put your outfits in the bathroom, we have to be in Court 5 minutes before the hearing starts, so we'll pick you up at 9:45 a.m. tomorrow, there are traffic jams on the road at this time, is that okay?
Lucy : perfect
Angela : unless you want us to come earlier to help you get ready
Tim : no don't worry it's okay
Angela : if you change your mind, call us we will come
Lucy : thank you very much
Angela : see you tomorrow then
Tim : yes bye
Wesley : don't forget to sleep
Lucy : promise

*Angela and Wesley leave the room*

Lucy : Tim
Tim : yes babe ?
Lucy : I'm scared
Tim : *takes her in his arms* I know, me too, but I trust Wesley
Lucy : I do too but...
Tim : there's no "but", you hear me, everything's gonna be fine
Lucy : *nods*

*At Angela and Wesley's*

*Wesley paces while reciting his plea*

Angela : you don't want to stop reciting your pleading, you know it by heart
Wesley : what if I lose the trial
Angela : *sits on the couch* don't say that, you're the best lawyer I ever know, come sit down
Wesley : you say that because we're married
Angela : yes but also because you're the best
Wesley : I don't want to disappoint Tim and Lucy, they count on me
Angela : don't worry, Rosalind'll stay in jail, just like Stephen
Wesley : I don't understand why I'm so stressed, I'm used to defending clients
Angela : it's because this time it's not just any client, it's our friends
Wesley : If I mess up, there's little chance they'll remain our friends.
Angela : Wes, listen me, there is so little chance that the defendants will get away with it, you have seen all the charges pending against them
Wesley : yes but I don't know this Matthew Murdock, their lawyer, who knows, maybe he will succeed in getting 'em out of trouble
Angela : *opens her arms* come here *Wesley snuggles up to her* everything's gonna be fine, okay, everything's gonna be fine
Wesley : thank you my Angel
Angela : let's go to bed

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