Chapter 59

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Lucy : you look tired Tim
Tim : *whispers* I'm fine

*A nurse enters the room with a meal tray for Lucy*

Nurse : Mr. Bradford, do you wanna eat something?
Tim : *nods no*
Nurse : page me if you need anything

*She leaves the room*

Tim : *whispers* movie ?
Lucy : what do you wanna watch ?
Tim : don't know
Lucy : action movie ?
Tim : sci-fi
Lucy : okay, which sci-fi movie can we watch ?
Tim : not Star Wars please
Lucy : oh no, not that one. What about Dune ?
Tim : never seen it
Lucy : me neither
Tim : okay

*Lucy launches the movie*

*She eats her dinner*

*After finishing eating, Lucy snuggles up against Tim. They end up falling asleep before the end of the film*

*An hour later*

*Lucy wakes up, she switches off the TV and lowers the back of Tim's bed and hers' so they are lying down*

Lucy : *kisses Tim forehead and whispers* I love you

*She snuggles up against him and falls back asleep*

*11 p.m.*

*Tim wakes up and can't fall back asleep*

*He cries silently, he doesn't want to wake Lucy up*

Lucy : Tim ? You okay, why are you crying ?
Tim : *trouble speaking* hurts
Lucy : where ?
Tim : *shows his throat*
Lucy : let me page someone. You're gonna be fine. *She wipes away a tear that runs down his cheek*

*One minute later*

Nurse : you paged me
Lucy : yes, Tim's throat hurts him
Nurse : let me see, Mr Bradford I'm gonna need you to open your mouth. *She looks in Tim's mouth* It's very inflamed, I'll give you more painkillers and a little bit of water. You will try to drink, slowly and in small quantities. I'm coming back quickly
Lucy : *hugs Tim* it's okay

*The nurse comes back*

Nurse : I put the painkillers in your IV. I let you a glass of water with a straw, make sure to drink slowly *her pager bips* sorry I gotta go, do you need something else
Lucy : it's okay thank you

*The nurse leaves the room*

Lucy : let me raise the back of your bed so that you can drink
Tim : *is in pain*
Lucy : here's your water
Tim : *tries to grab the glass* *whispers* I... I can't *a tear rolls down his cheek*
Lucy : it's okay Tim, I'm gonna help you

*She holds the glass while Tim drinks*

Lucy : slowly
Tim : *whispers* It relieves a bit the pain
Lucy : that's good, do you want some more ?
Tim : *nods no*

*He puts his head on Lucy's shoulder. She kisses his head and lowers the back of Tim's bed*

Tim : *lying on Lucy's chest, whispers* love you
Lucy : I love you too

*They fall back asleep*

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