Chapter 47

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*1 hour later*

*Lucy wakes up, she struggles*

Lucy : Tim, Tim where is he, Tim...
Angela : hey Lucy, calm down he's okay, he's in his room
Lucy : *she cries* I want Tim
Angela : *she sits on the edge of the bed* you'll see him tomorrow

*The nurse comes back*

Nurse : what's happening
Angela : she wants to see her boyfriend
Nurse : she'll see him tomorrow, when she'll be in a better condition

*The nurse leaves*

Lucy : I need to see Tim, I want him
Angela : Wesley, can you stay here, I gotta do something
Wesley : yes

*Angela leaves the room and Wesley hugs Lucy, he tries to calm her*

*Angela goes to see the nurse*

Angela : isn't it possible to bring Lucy in Tim's room ? I'm sure she would have a better recovery
Nurse : These are not mixed rooms, we are not allowed to put a man and a woman in the same room.
Angela : but Tim and Lucy are in a relationship
Nurse : I'll talk to the doctor on duty, I'll come back to you in 10 minutes
Angela : thank you

*She goes back to Lucy's examination room. She is still claiming to see Tim*

*10 minutes later the nurse comes back*

Nurse : the doctor accepted, a stretcher bearer will come and take her to Mr. Bradford's room
Angela : that's great, thank you very much

*The stretcher bearer arrives and takes Lucy to Tim's room*

Stretcher bearer : here we are, room 331
Angela: thank you sir

*He puts Lucy's bed a couple meters from Tim's and leaves*

*Lucy looks at her left and sees Tim*

Lucy : *crying* Tim *she tries to reach him*

Wesley : I'll put the beds closer
Angela : yes

*Wesley and Angela remove the brakes from Lucy's bed and roll it until it's stuck to Tim's*

Lucy : *grabs Tim's hand and kisses it* I love you Tim *she lays her head on Tim's chest and snuggles against him. It soothes her completely* I missed you *she ends up falling asleep*

Wesley : He has the gift of being able to soothe her
Angela : They are made for each other. He's her soulmate
Wesley : just like your mine
Angela : *looks at him* I love you
Wesley : I love you too *he kisses her*
Angela : what time is it ?
Wesley : almost 6 am
Angela : I should call Grey and tell him that I want a day off

*She goes in the waiting room to call Grey*

Grey : Sergeant Grey I'm listening
Angela : Grey I need to take my day off. I'm sorry to only warn you now, but Lucy was sick all night, Wesley and I took her back to the hospital, she has a severe infection
Grey : don't worry, take your day off. I'll pass to check on Lucy during the day
Angela : thank you Grey
Grey : you're welcome

*She hangs up and goes back to Tim and Lucy's room*

Wesley : did Grey accepted ?
Angela : yep
Wesley : good. We should sleep a bit while Lucy is
Angela : you're right

*They lie down on the small couch of the room. Angela snuggles up to Wesley and they fall asleep*

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