Chapter 115

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*The morning sun filters through the curtains, casting a soft glow over the bedroom. Lucy wakes up with a start, her mind suddenly racing with the details of their wedding planning. She turns to Tim, gently shaking him awake.*

Lucy: Tim, Tim wake up.

Tim: *groggily* Mhhm... What’s wrong, babe?

Lucy: *sitting up in bed* I just realized we forgot something really important yesterday.

Tim: *rubbing his eyes* What is it?

Lucy: We forgot to choose our wedding witnesses and who’s going to officiate the wedding.

Tim: *sitting up and stretching* Oh, right. Good catch. We definitely need to sort that out.

Lucy: *nodding* I was thinking, what about Sergeant Grey to officiate? He’s always been a mentor to both of us, and it would mean a lot.

Tim: *smiling* That’s a great idea. I’m sure he’d be honored.

Lucy: And for witnesses, I was thinking Angela and Nyla for me.

Tim: *chuckling* Of course. They’re your best friends and have been there through everything.

Lucy: *smiling* Exactly. Who were you thinking for your best man?

Tim: I was going to ask Wesley. He’s been a good friend, and he’s always had my back. Plus, if Angela is your witness, Wes has to be my best man or I'll be jealous *laughs* No kidding, he's been there for me during the hardest time with Angela, I think he's the best best man.

Lucy: *leaning in to kiss him* Perfect. Let’s ask them today.

*They get ready for the day, excitement bubbling beneath the surface. After breakfast, they head to the station, ready to share their plans with their friends.*

*At the police station, the usual buzz of activity fills the air. Tim and Lucy make their way to Grey’s office, knocking on the door.*

Grey: Come in.

Tim: *opening the door* Morning, Sergeant. Do you have a minute?

Grey: *looking up from his desk* Of course, what’s up?

Lucy: That's nothing to do with work. We have a favor to ask.

Tim: We were wondering if you’d be willing to officiate our wedding.

Grey: *surprised but pleased* I’d be honored. Are you sure you want an old sergeant like me to do it?

Lucy: Absolutely. You’ve been a mentor to both of us, and it would mean a lot to have you there in that capacity.

Tim: And you've been there for us in our hardest times

Grey: *smiling warmly* Then consider it done. Thank you for asking me.

Tim: Thank you, Sergeant.

*With Grey’s agreement secured, they head to the briefing room, where Angela and Nyla are catching up before their shift.*

Lucy: Hey, you two. Got a minute?

Angela: *grinning* Always for you. What’s up?

Lucy: Tim and I were doing some more wedding planning, and we realized we forgot to choose our witnesses.

Nyla: *teasingly* How could you forget something so important?

Lucy: *laughing* We got caught up in everything else. Anyway, I was hoping you both would be my witnesses.

Angela: *hugging Lucy* Of course! I’d be honored.

Nyla: *smiling* Count me in. It’s going to be an amazing day.

Lucy: *beaming* Thanks, you two. It means a lot to have you by my side.

*Tim steps up, turning to Wesley, who’s just walked into the room.*

Tim: Hey Wesley, It’s good that you’re here, got a minute?

Wesley: Sure, what’s going on?

Tim: I was hoping you’d be my best man.

Wesley: *smiling broadly* I’d be honored, Tim. Thanks for asking.

Tim: *nodding* Thanks, Wesley. It wouldn’t feel right without you up there with me.

*With their key people on board, Tim and Lucy spend the rest of the morning finalizing more details as they don't have that much paper work to do today, their excitement building with each decision made. By the time lunch rolls around, they feel like they’ve made significant progress.*

*Later, back at their apartment, they continue their planning, reviewing their decisions and making lists of things they still need to do.*

Lucy: *scribbling in the notebook* Okay, so we’ve got the date, the venue, the guest list, the theme, the officiant, and the witnesses.

Tim: *nodding* Yeah, we’re making great progress. What’s next?

Lucy: *thinking* We should probably start thinking about the invitations and the wedding party’s attire.

Tim: Good point. We’ll need to get those out soon to give everyone enough time to prepare.

Lucy: And we should look into catering and a cake.

Tim: *smiling* Sounds good. Do you have any ideas for the cake?

Lucy: I was thinking something simple but delicious. Maybe a classic vanilla cake with buttercream frosting.

Tim: *grinning* Works for me. And catering?

Lucy: I thought we could look into some local options. Maybe something that offers a mix of traditional and more modern dishes.

Tim: I like that idea. It’ll give everyone something they’ll enjoy.

*They spend the afternoon researching caterers and bakeries, narrowing down their options. As the sun sets, they take a break, sitting on the couch together, tired but happy.*

Lucy: *leaning her head on Tim’s shoulder* We’ve accomplished so much today. I can’t believe how close it’s all starting to feel.

Tim: *kissing the top of her head* Me too. It’s really happening, Lucy. We’re getting married.

Lucy: *smiling* And it’s going to be perfect.

Tim: *grinning* Because we’re doing it together.

*They sit in comfortable silence for a while, basking in the joy of their upcoming wedding and the life they’re building together. As the evening turns into night, they head to bed, ready to face the next day’s challenges with the same determination and love that has brought them this far.*

*In the quiet of their bedroom, they lay side by side, holding hands and reflecting on the day.*

Lucy: Today was amazing. We’re really making this happen.

Tim: *squeezing her hand* Yeah, we are. And I can’t wait for our future.

Lucy: *smiling softly* Me too. Goodnight, Tim.

Tim: Goodnight, Lucy.

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