Chapter 113

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*A few days later, Tim arrives at his rehab session. Conrad greets him with a warm smile as he enters the room.*

Conrad: Good morning, Tim! Ready for another session?

Tim: Morning, Conrad. You've been following my rehabilitation for a long time, you know me well now, I'm always ready. *smiles* I’ve got some exciting news to share with you while we're working

Conrad: Oh, really ? I could use some good news to start the day.

Tim: *grinning* Lucy and I are engaged.

Conrad: *eyes widening with excitement* That’s fantastic, Tim! Congratulations! I'm so happy for you. You are a beautiful and cute couple. How did you propose?

Tim: Well, it was on our second anniversary a few days ago. I took her to the Griffith Observatory. We went up to the rooftop terrace with a beautiful view of LA. I told her how much she means to me and all we've been through together. Then I got down on one knee and asked her to marry me.

Conrad: *laughing* You managed to get down on one knee? Impressive, considering your current condition.

Tim: *chuckling* Yeah, it wasn't easy, but I wanted to make it perfect for her. I wanted to make it the most romantic possible. I’d do anything for Lucy.

Conrad: That’s dedication right there. I’m really happy for you, Tim. You deserve this happiness after everything you’ve been through.

Conrad: Have you set a date for the wedding yet?

Tim: Not yet. We’ve been so caught up in the excitement, we haven’t gotten around to the details. But we’ll start planning soon.

Conrad: Well, I hope by the time the wedding rolls around, you won’t need that crutch anymore. Walking down the aisle without it would be the perfect symbol of your progress.

Tim: That’s the goal. I want to be at my best for that day. For Lucy.

Conrad: You’ll get there. Just keep pushing yourself, and we’ll make sure you’re ready. That's our new goal : make sure you get rid of this crutch for your wedding day.

*The conversation between Tim and Conrad continues as Conrad helps Tim with his exercises.*

Tim: Hey, Conrad, can I ask you a personal question ?

Conrad: yes of course, go ahead

Tim: We've been working together for quite a while now, and I just realized I don't know much about you while you know my whole life. Conrad, are you married?

Conrad: *smiling as he adjusts Tim's position* Yes, I am. My wife’s name is Nic. She’s a nurse here.

Tim: Really? That’s great. How come I've never seen her? I spent a lot of time here

Conrad: She works in pediatrics, as far as I know, you didn't go through the pediatric department during your hospitalization

Tim: *laughs* It probably would have been more fun. How long have you been married?

Conrad: We've been married for five years now. It’s been a wonderful journey.

Tim: And do you have any kids?

Conrad: Yeah, we have a daughter, Grace. She just turned three years old.

Tim: That’s amazing. How do you manage with both of you having such demanding jobs?

Conrad: *laughs* It’s definitely a challenge sometimes, but we make it work. Nic’s shifts can be pretty crazy, but we coordinate as best we can. Having a supportive partner makes all the difference.

Tim: I bet. Grace must keep you on your toes.

Conrad: Oh, she does. She’s full of energy and curiosity. It’s exhausting but incredibly rewarding.

Tim: I can imagine. Lucy and I have talked about having kids before everything that happened. It’s something we both want, but since all that, we haven't talked about it again. Of course we know it’ll be a big adjustment.

Conrad: It is, but it’s worth it. Having a child changes your perspective on everything. You’ll find joy in the little moments you never noticed before.

Tim: Sounds like you really enjoy being a dad.

Conrad: I do. Grace is my little ray of sunshine. No matter how tough the day has been, seeing her smile makes it all worth it.

Tim: That’s really nice to hear. Lucy and I are excited about the future and starting our own family.

Conrad: You’ll make great parents, Tim. Just take it one step at a time. And remember, it’s okay to ask for help when you need it.

Tim: Thanks, Conrad. I appreciate that. *pauses* So, when you’re not working or chasing after Grace, what do you and Nic like to do?

Conrad: We love going for hikes and spending time outdoors. It’s our way of unwinding. Nic also enjoys cooking, so we often have little family cookouts. And you?

Tim: Lucy and I love the outdoors too, but since my injury, we’ve had to adapt a bit. We enjoy watching movies, going for walks when I can, and spending time with our friends.

Conrad: That sounds great. It’s important to find those activities you both enjoy and make time for them. Keeps the bond strong.

Tim: Absolutely. And Lucy is amazing. She’s been so supportive through everything. I couldn’t ask for a better partner.

Conrad: She sounds wonderful. You’re lucky to have each other.

Tim: We really are. And it’s been great getting to know more about you and your family. It’s nice to talk about something other than rehab for a change.

Conrad: *laughs* Yeah, it is. It’s good to connect on a personal level. Makes these sessions feel less like work and more like catching up with a friend.

Tim: Definitely. And I’m really grateful for everything you’ve done for me, Conrad. Your support has made a huge difference in my recovery.

Conrad: I’m just doing my job, Tim. But it means a lot to hear that. You’ve worked hard, and you’re making great progress.

*Tim smiles, feeling more connected to his physiotherapist. They continue the session with a lighter mood, the conversation about family and future adding an extra layer of motivation to Tim's recovery.*

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