Chapter 26

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Doctor : If he can't breathe with the oxygen mask, I will have to intubate him.
Mr Bradford, do you hear me
Tim : *nods yes*
Doctor : you can't breathe at all ?
Tim : *nods no*
Doctor : *listen to his lungs* your lungs are crashing and you have a high fever, you could have an infection. I need to intubate you.

*The doctor goes to the door*

Doctor : 911 room 331, I need an emergency cart right now
Lucy : *has tears in her eyes* you're gonna be fine my love. I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere, you're stuck with me
Tim : I... I... Love... You
Lucy : I love you too. *Kisses his forehead*

*The doctor comes back with 2 nurses to intubate Tim*

*They give him a sedative before putting a tube in his throat*

*Once they're done*

Lucy : how long will he stay intubated?
Doctor: we can't know. It could be days, weeks or months

*He leaves the room*

*Lucy picks up her phone and dials Angela's number*

*By phone*

Angela : *sleepy* Lucy ? U ok ?
Lucy : *crying* n... No
Angela : hey call down, tell me what's happening
Lucy : it... It's... It's Tim
Angela : you know what, I'm coming, wait for me
Lucy : thanks

*At Angela's*

Angela: Wes, Wesley, I have to go
Wesley : *half asleep* where are you going ?
Angela : the hospital
Wesley : you alright ?
Angela : yes I am, but Lucy just called me. She was crying
Wesley : why ?
Angela : I don't know, she could barely talk
Wesley : I'm coming
Angela : no it's okay, you can stay and sleep, I'll keep you informed
Wesley : my Angel I wanna come with you
Angela : okay

*They get dressed*

Wesley : u ready ?
Angela : yes, let's go

*They drive to the hospital and go to the front desk*

Angela : we know it's not visiting hour anymore but a friend called us for an emergency, can we see her please ?
Nurse : normally it's not possible but...
Angela : please, I'm a police officer, my husband is a lawyer and the problem is related to our case
Nurse : can I see your cards ?
Angela : of course

*They give their card to the nurse*

Nurse : so detective Angela Lopez and Mr Wesley Evers, attorney at law.
Angela and Wesley : that's right
Nurse : Who did you come to see?
Angela : 2 of our colleagues, Sargent Tim Bradford and officer Lucy Chen
Nurse : *checks on the computer* they are room 331
Angela : thank you

*They rush to Tim's room and see Tim intubated*

Angela : Lucy what happened ?
Lucy : *crying* his lungs crashed, the doctor said he could have an infection
Angela : *hugs Lucy* don't worry, he'll make it
Lucy : the doctor said he could stay like that for months
Angela : so we'll be there for him, and for you

*Lucy sits on the couch of the room, Angela and Wesley sit next to her*

*Lucy puts her head on Angela and falls asleep*

Wesley : *sees Angela thinking* do you think this is related to Rosalind?
Angela : I don't know, I can't understand why she would do that
Wesley : vengeance maybe ?
Angela : could be

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